Monday, October 7, 2019

The Acid Rain Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Acid Rain - Research Paper Example Looking back in the history, the rate of emission of these harmful substances has increased to a very dangerous level leading to a severely polluted environment. The depletion of the ozone layer, noise pollution, global warming and acid rain are some of the dangerous affects of the increased pollution that are concerning the scientists nowadays. Acid rain has been a major concern for the scientists throughout the world after global warming. Acid rain is called as excessive quantities of acidic gases such as carbon dioxide, nitric oxide in the air. These gasses accumulate in the air increasing its ph to less than 5.6 and fall on the earth in either solid or wet forms. The wet form could be rain, fog or snow while the dry form could be the in the form of dust settling on the surface (Bubenick 1984). The effects of this falling rain and the dust settling on the surface of earth are detrimental. The causes of acid rain are mainly the excessive smoke generated by the burning of fossil fuels in the factories and the smoke emitted by the increased number of vehicles sunning on the roads. Although the fumes emitted by the volcanoes also add to this acidity but the human factor is considered more important and contributing to the increased acidity. The major gasses to contribute in the formation of acid rain are sulphur dioxide, nitric oxide and carbon dioxide. These gasses combine with the water droplets in the air and form acids such as sulphuric and nitric acid. The acids formed as a result come down on the earth in the form of rain, snow or fog (Bubenick 1984). The detrimental effects of acid rain are observed on all the aspects of human life and the environment. The major effects observed are on the water life of earth. The water that is falling on the earth follows down in the form of streams and channels to the seas and increased the acidity of all these water channels kill the aquatic life including the frogs, the fish and other small animals. These dead

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