Sunday, October 6, 2019

EVALUATION OF RESOURES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

EVALUATION OF RESOURES - Essay Example Considering the potential impact of ICT in the learning activities of the students, educational researchers have been consistently studying how ICT can be used as a pedagogical tool in improving the learning ability of the students. (Pearson, 2003; National Research Council, 2000) For this study, the researcher will determine the contribution of the following learning resources: digital cameras, Alphasmart key guard, Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and Microsoft Word towards the learning activities of the mainstream and special educational needs (SEN) students by conducting a short literature review. Prior to the conclusion, the researcher will conduct a quantitative and qualitative survey analysis in order to evaluate the impact of these learning resources with the Science learning activities of mainstream and SEN students. In relation to the learning activities of mainstream and SEN students, technology can be used as a teaching and learning tool that enables the school teachers and students to become co-learners by collaboratively constructing knowledge. (Reed & McNergney, 2000) For instance, the use of digital cameras enable the school teachers and students to record educational trip or a specific learning experience to enable both parties to review the learning process on a later date. In line with this matter, technology behind digital cameras make it possible for school teachers and students to experience a real-world examples of ‘learning by doing.’ Depending on the learning ability of these students, students could easily make a school report by recording certain learning events using the digital camera for the purpose of a group or individual class presentation. (Wellington & Wellington, 2002) In the process of being able to make a class presentation using digitalized visual materials, the students will be able to build self-confidence with their work since these materials could enable them to capture

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