Thursday, October 31, 2019

Flight Stability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Flight Stability - Essay Example The most important flight management and control information is based on stability principles that are mainly referred to as static and dynamic principles. Considerations of the stability elements as highlighted in the section below are useful in the formulation of appropriate stability systems in aeroplanes. A balanced position of an aeroplane in flight is termed as a trimmed position in terms of stability, which is affected by introduction of static instability forces. Static stability is the capacity of an aeroplane experiencing static disturbance to revert to its trimmed state. An aeroplane is deemed to be in stability if there are no changes of acceleration towards a particular axis when in flight. When the aeroplane is exposed to static forces of disturbance, instability is experienced and the ability of the aeroplane to return to the static condition is determined by its capacity to overcome the disturbance and achieve the earlier stability (Ly 1997, p23). In the trimmed state, the aeroplane is generally in a stable condition that does not require extra input in order for it to be sustained in the condition. The aeroplane must be installed with systems to assist it revert to the steady state after a disturbance, which creates a disorientation of the stable axis conditions. Along the longitudinal axis, the appropriate conditions are achieved by introducing elevator trim tabs which are engaged until the previous static condition is achieved (Pamadi, 1998). This is achieved by the aeroplane system where the input of the pilot is not needed because it is on a hands-free operation installed in the design of the aeroplane. To assist in the detection of the instability of the aeroplane after a static disturbance, there are two types of analyses systems that can be used in such systems. On one hand, there is the stick-fixed manoeuvre which detects disturbance and maintains the same position in response while stick-free system is designed to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Discussion Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 24

Discussion Question - Essay Example The Net Present Value (NPV) indicates whether the expected rates of return is equivalent to, higher, or lower than the company’s preferred rate of return (Gad, 2014). Finally, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) refers to the interest rate that leads to value equalization of the present net cash inflows and outflows. Thus can be considered the true rate of return of a project where high IRR indicates desirable projects. A conflict among the three capital budgeting models where the NPV indicates rejection, but the IRR and Payback methods both indicated acceptance can a time occur. Such a situation can be brought about by a project having more than one IRR or the interest rate being greater than zero and a very short payback period (Gad, 2014). Analyst, therefore, should accept a situation where the present value of future cash inflow is greater than cost of initial investment. When using the payback method the emphasis are on cash and its recovery although it overlooks the time value of money and desired return rates. NPV model considers the money value but does not provide actual return rates. The IRR gives the actual return rates but they keep on changing with time. In conclusion, for a correct data that indicates negative NPV but positive IRR and payback method the most accurate decision is to reject the project. This is because NPV measure the wealth creation, profitability and the extent of wealth change expected for the shareholders. Therefore, a negative NPV indicated a significant decrease of shareholders wealth which directly affects the company cash

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Tata Consultancy Services SWOT and PESTEL Analysis

Tata Consultancy Services SWOT and PESTEL Analysis Tata Consultancy Service (TCS) is the worlds leading global Information Technology consulting firm and business outsourcing organization that envisaged and forged the espousal of the flexible global business practices, which nowadays facilitate organizations to manoeuvre more professionally and construct more value. The IT industry was not has it is now when TCS started in the year 1968. TCS was started as the Tata Computer Centre a dissection of the Tata group whose chief business was to offer computer services to other concerns. TCS marked a tremendous growth with marking its presence in 34 countries across 6 continents, with a absolute range of services across diverse industrial fields. TCS ranked in top ten in the fortunes rank list for the year 2009. The concern shaped consolidated income of US $5.7 billion for economic year ended 31 March 2009 and is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange in India. TCS expanded into China, Hungary, Brazil, and Mexico in order to incarcerate the opportunities in financial services and services like Remote Infrastructure management and BPO in those countries, TCS always offered a unique manner to its global customers by positioning its brand in the worldwide market. The zenith of all these lead to the concerns contributions of TM Global Network Delivery Model(GNDM) across Europe, China, India, US and Latin America as well as incorporated full overhaul offerings, all backed by the promise of certainty of experience for customers. By 2007, the value enunciation of Experience certainty was officially initiated, acknowledged and authenticated by global customers. As the Indian financial system sustained to grow in the new century, the necessity for technology to constrain comprehensive augmentation became part of national schema. TCS, which had been spending additional, time in domestic IT from the time when its commencement was well located to assist the National Government at the central and state level, in its inventive proposals. TCS, by its own initiative shaped a digitized delivery system. In a manifestation of the companys ground-breaking spirit and with an aspiration to extend the benefits of the IT upraise across the country. TCS aptitude to convey high-quality overhauls and resolutions are matchless. It is the worlds first organization to accomplished an enterprise-wide Maturity Level 5 on both P-CMM and CMMI, using the most meticulous assessment methodology SCAMPISM. TCS Integrated Quality Management System integrates process, populace and technology maturity through various ascertained frameworks and traditions including ISO 9001 :2000, IEEE and SW-CMM, CMMI, 6-Sigma and P-CMM. For maximum flexibility, speediness, and competence, a vigorous IT strategy is essential. TCS contribution facilitates companies to construct the most of their IT investments from providing system testing solutions, application development, management services, and integration solutions. COMPANY BACKGROUND: TCS has the wide spread economical boundaries around 36 countries with seven physical centres of operations around the world. TCS was founded by Tata group which was established by jamstji Tata in 1868 an oldest and respected group of companies in India. The First chairman was Jahangir Ratanji Dadabhoy followed by Nani Palkhivala. The first general manager was F.C. Kohli. TCS first assigned to offer punch card services to a sister corporation, Tata Steel (TISCO). It later bagged the nations first domestic software project, the Inter-Branch Reconciliation System (IBRS) for the Central Bank of India. It has also provided bureau services to Unit Trust of India; as a result TCS became one of the first companies to offer BPO services. In the early 1970s; Tata Consultancy Services in full swing exporting its services. TCSs inaugural global order came from Burroughs, one of the first business computer manufacturers. TCS was assigned to write code for the Burroughs machines for numerous US-based clients. This knowledge helped TCS to bag its first onsite project the Institutional Group Information Company (IGIC), a data hub for ten banks, which served to two million clients in the US, TCS was assigned to assert and upgrade its computer systems. TCS holds the credit to set off the first software research and development centre, the Tata Research Development a nd Design Centre (TRDDC) in 1981and in 1985 the first client committed offshore development centre was established for Compaq. Early 90s was golden era for the Indian IT industry; they grew tremendously due to the Y2K virus and the introduction of Euro. TCS lead the way for industrial unit replica for Y2K conversion and built-up software tools which undertook the automatic conversion process and facilitated third-party developers and customers to use. In 1999, TCS fortified the opportunities in outsourcing the E-Commerce and the connected solutions and set up its E-Business division with ten people. In 2004 it illustrated a vigorous development of contributing half a billion US dollars to TCSs total revenue. In the year 2004, TCS was ranked under public sector, though much later than its competitors such as Infosys, Satyam and Wipro. TCS entered into a brand new area of IT services (Bioinformatics). The next two years that followed TCS aced a huge growth in progress both nationally and internationally. TCS assists some of the worlds major MNCs to take up the accurate technology-enabled solution that helps them: Optimize business recital Decrease product progress time Get better product differentiation Smooth the progress of arrangement of business with technology Join their extensive supply chains Offer real-time business handy Lesser functioning costs. Tata Consultancy Service Profile: Type: Public BSE: 532540 Founded: 1968 Headquarters: TCS House, Rave line Street, Fort, Mumbai 400 001 India Key people: Ratan Tata, (Chairman of the Board, Tata  Group) S Ramadorai, (CEO and Managing  Director) Jobhi Mahalingam, (Executive Director  and CFO) N Chandra, (Executive Director, COO, CEO   MD Designate) Phiroz Vandrewala,(Executive Director  and Head, Global Corporate Affairs) Ajoy Mukherjee, (Vice President and  Head, Global Human Resources) K Anantha Krishnan, (Vice President and  Chief Technology Officer) Services: Information Technology Consulting, IT Services, Outsourcing, BPO, Software Products Products: TCS Bancs, Digital Certification Products, Healthcare Management Systems. Revenue: US$ 6.019 billion (in FY 2009-10) Net income: US$ 1.128 billion (in FY 2009-10) Employees: 150,000 (As on 1 April, 2010) Website: FINANCIAL POSE: TCS financially persists to demonstrate the steady stand in the top position of Indian IT firms. As the IT outsourcing market records more rapid growth pace, TCS expressed a steady growth rate in 2008-09, whose consolidated revenue grew by 23% to 27% which helped TCS to cross the $6 billion revenue milestone. TCS operating margins improved to 23.73% by 109 basis points. TCS have also increased its dividend share to Rs.14 in the last financial year. The TCS directors have also recommended an issue of bonus shares in 1:1 ratio and it was the second bonus issue since 2004. TCS completely focused in helping their customers relationship with them simultaneously adding fresh customers and penetrating in novel market segments and emerging verticals which made them to add 163 new customers internationally in the past year. TCSs foremost market North America crossed new high point of revenue above $3 billion and grew 26% in 2008-09 in spite of recession, While Europes branches faced a express growth of 38.5% during the same year. It is very significant for an organization to certify the differentiation of its revenue stand and to uphold its augment impetus. TCS always delivers that the 143,000 TCS employees are the supreme assets of all which includes 50,000 global associates from 67 countries and TCS trained 93,000 software professionals of which, 22,000 college graduates in the past academic year which was tremendous growth. TCS is incessantly investing to unlock new markets and services which made them to invest in emerging markets like Asia-pacific, Middle East, Africa and Latin America. The firms gigantic team of human resources is serving the TCSs panorama not only in business but also its contact on the community. TCS made an effective evolution in corporate sustainability. TCS persists to be a pioneer of growth for the reason of its established ability to reinvent the business and organisation. The concern is placed to exert in collaborative mode, significant assessing all that TCS does. TCS holds a strong position in the future IT global market. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: A basic structure distributes responsibilities among the members of a company. Its purpose is to contribute to the successful implementation of objectives by allocating people and resources to necessary tasks and designing responsibility and authority for their control and coordination The three levels of organizations are technical level, managerial level and the community level. (Mullins, 2008) The organizations are differentiated based on the task, the employees work and the nature of company and its HR policies and conditions. A hierarchy is handled in order to treat people equally in companies; Treating equal is just that they are literally equal, In order to extract best from an employee, the person above him will treat them as one and the same to extract the maximum and best work from them Functional organization,  matrix organization, and  line organization  are three common types of organizational structure (Mullins, 2008). The main intention of organiza tions is to distribute the tasks; the main aspect is to preserve the relationship between employees of different stages in order to drive them towards the single task and to monitor the progress of the assigned task. The TCS have a very well designed organization. The organizations can be classified into two main divisions they are Centralization. Decentralization. Centralization A simple and effective execution of policies for an entire organization. Gives a reliable approach over the organization. Makes trouble-free organization and administration control Better employ of specialization including better amenities and paraphernalia. Decentralization Facilitated verdict is to be nearer to the operational level of work. Amplified receptiveness to local conditions. It persuades inspiration and confidence of the staff. Observance progress in compliment and more supple structures. TCS offers services in eight areas of service: Business process Outsourcing, Business Intelligence and performance Management, Enterprise Solutions (CRM, ERP, and SCM) IT Consulting, Application Development and Maintenance, Engineering and Industrial Services, IT Infrastructure services, Testing and quality Assurance. TCSs are divided in following divisions Financial Services, Energy and Utility, Banking, Life sciences and Health care, Insurance, Securities trading system, Retail and Consumer goods, Telecommunications, Government and Transportation. TCS follow a standard organizational growth which helps them to organize the vast team under single board of directors; the type they follow is matrix organization. The matrix organization is a combination of functional departments which provide a stable base for specialized activities and a permanent location for staff and units that integrate various activities of different functional departments on a project team, product, programme, geographical or systems basis (mullins 2007). ( DISADVANTAGES ADVANTAGES More involvement can cause aggravation and uncertainty among team members. Adequate meeting makes this type more time consuming. A detailed understanding is needed in order to be a part else result in bad performance which affects the total team work. A very good ability is needed in order to perform better and draw attention. Distribution of possessions is supple among the organization. Facilitates in intricate verdicts and appropriate for recurrent transformations occurs in unbalanced atmosphere. To meet demands from customers and helps to make unity within the team. Provides an opportunity to extend both practical and product skills. ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE: Even though the organizational culture will look like a similar saying its really solid to describe and elucidate as the word culture is derived from anthropology. In simple it can be described as the reflection of fundamental works about the way by which the work is performed. The collection of traditions, policies, value, attitudes and beliefs that comprises an invasive framework for everything we do and believe in an organization (Mullins, 2008). The corporate cultures can be categorised by two influential factors, The degree of threat coupled with the organizations manners The pace at which organisations and their employees obtain comment on the success of verdict or strategies. If the customs are adopted by the employees, it amplifies the supremacy and rights of management in three ways. Categorizes themselves with their organization and consent to its decree when its the defined fascination to do. To integrate the organizations worth when they are right. Enthused to accomplish the organizations objectives. The types of Organizational culture are Power culture, Task culture, Person culture, Role culture. A well-built organizational culture lies on eight strong pillars of OCTAPACE referring to authenticity, confrontation, autonomy, openness trust, proactive, collaboration and explicitness. Organization cultures can be categorized into strong and weak cultures. The organizational culture of TCS is translucent in stipulations of pay and its HR policies. There is a towering level of employee engagement as the concern pay structure stimulates and supports employees to achieve better to receive an excellent sum of their recital pay. There is an incessant improvement and growth of workforce through different modus operandi like the T model. It is a proficiently managed organization with client fulfilment as its top most precedence. Workforces are given lofty sum of respect and everybody is addressed as an ASSOCIATE to make them believe that their input really matters. But there are some minorities who believe that TCS follows a cold culture, by cold they signify that persons are not concerned about others. Few think that TCS has an energetic culture and there are lots of communal performance which the concern takes on to help the underprivileged and poor. One such initiative is the TCS Maitree, it is a non-profit auxiliary of TCS which utilize the employees to approach further on and educate the under privileged children or seize a camp in a countrys rural area to educate them regarding the knowledge on computers. PS T Model is new software intended by TCS, all the workers information pertaining to his possession, competencies, skill set, etc are fed and then the software gives the three best domains where the employee would best be suited. This model when launched will help in smooth inter- departmental reloc ates. TCS values are ethical, in which TCS have its own set of rules, policies, values which is called TATA Code of Conduct which was explained by HR with immense efforts during induction process, in easy words it can be described as that TCS is not doing business from people but doing business with the people. The TCSs culture is dynamic and favourable for vigorous growth and antagonism. THE NATURE OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE: Change is persistent manipulate. It is an unavoidable part of both social and organizational life and we are all subject to continual change of one form or other (Laurie j Mullins 2008) There are factors which are substantial to the organization change are: Global inflation and economic meltdown. Non-availability of resources. The limitations on products lifecycle due to frequent revises in technologies. Very high competition in escalating and capturing new market places. BUSINESS STRATEGIES: TCS names its business divisions as Industry Service Practice. TCS has it maximum revenue from Banking Financial Services and Insurance Sector. GENERIC BUSINESS STRATEGY: Low outlay of Global delivery 24X7 model. Delivery with the help of established release and excellence framework-IQMS in time. A whole focus on customer retention and client relationship in order to uphold the business revenue which is 95.6% Distinguished in low end services in both capital and price A solid protection from the money fluctuations with currency prevarication. Owing to its tough knowledge management system and resource strength, TCS has been triumphant in attaining the cost leadership in the Industry. In recent years TCS has been following a further resolute strategy where they are moving towards the requirements of customer and the nature of business as like Middle East, Europe, and Asia-pacific. TCS focus much on customers and the area rather than being broad. A full Focus on the centres of Excellence(CoE) to strengthen potential in order to build the state-of-art elucidation in particular technologies such as testing, virtualization and architecture. The high end skills and scale will help TCS to embark upon huge projects aimed at converting clients, IT applications and Infrastructures. GLOBAL STRATEGIES: When the global strategy of TCS is being closely observed, it will illustrate an influencing labour cost in South America, China and some parts of Europe. Employing overseas experts into the post of Directors in order to obtain the frequent changes in the business is also can be referred as one of the key strategies of TCS Clayton M Christensen(HSB Professor, joined TCS in 2006) Dr. Ron Sommer (former chairman of the board of management of Deuteshce telecom AG, joined TCS in 2006) Laura M cha (Member of Executive Council of the Hong Kong special Administrative Region(SAR) and Non-Executive Chairman of HSBC investment, Asia ltd) TCS have a keen view in looking US and UK for the Business Revenue markets and India for the skilled employees. TCS is very keen in establishing global delivery centres outside India which can demonstrate TCS as a Global company. TCS was the first one to set the global delivery centre in China which distinguished TCS from other corporate companies. In recent years TCS was frequently changing its approach towards global market; recently TCS reconstructed its structure towards its global operations to implement a Customer centric and integrated approach which is anticipated to assist in avoiding the risk factors arising from the Economic Meltdown in western countries. TCSs operation units are mainly divided into five main divisions. The well established markets are North America, U.K and Western Europe and the new markets are Latin America, Middle East, India and Eastern Europe. The new restructured plan was considered as the very good change by the TCS as it is attaining impetus in Europe and other markets, which is obvious in the companys marked growth rate of 40% every year. The operations In Middle East and Latin America had also seen a substantial growth. TCS had built new delivery and offshore centres in Latin America like Uruguay, Mexico and Brazil. STRATEGIC ALLIANCES: TCS is always keen in upholding the strategic relationships with various International technology vendors. These relations are distinguished in various magnitudes such as service provider, customer, supplier, and alliance partner. The relationships with the international technology vendors have made TCS to maintain a holistic. TCS made a joint venture with these vendors on joint research influencing each other strengths to research and to develop the best breed offerings. Joint advancing engagements. Significantly new or improved solutions. Joint go-to-market strategies for the solutions. ACQUISITION STRATEGY: TCS is concentrating the growth in two ways the organic means and inorganic means. The Inorganic way is in the course of acquisitions of companies which craft business sense to TCS. The concerns should adjoin great value to TCS. The Business with CMC is assisting TCS taking a very sharp gaze to the domestic Industry. Both companies have synergies in the government sector. They made various agreements with various companies some of them are the agreement with the citi group to transfer 12,000 employees in banking sectors for cash and external support in IT. Tata InfoTech Limited (TIL) was merged in early 2006. It was also a software service company like TCS which have branches around the world like America, Europe and Australia. Comparable to the financial venture made greater than, TCS yet again prolonged its banking commodities and shared its European operations after attaining a 75% equity wager in its Switzerland-based partner, TKS-Teknosoft. TKS was the marketing representative f or TCS in Europe. TCS: CO INNOVATION NETWORK (COIN): TCS is following a coin strategy in order to face the competition as the globalisation has created a elevated competition among the IT companies. It is necessary for the IT companies in order to follow an innovative technology thus resulted in the Advanced Information and Communication Technology which made practicable for companies to collaborate and perform Globally Distributed Network (GDN). Disorderly improvements are not the consequence of a solitary technology pretended by the minority of people but the combination of similar technologies may result in getting a combined innovative technology which will be much more effective and useful for the companies to perform globally. This concept of innovation network is not novel; classically it was the technology releasing body e.g. IBMs driven Innovation Networks and Googles Gartner Innovation networks are already been in existence, for TCS it is the customer driven innovation network where the participants are delivery rudiments and explorations. SWOT ANALYSIS: SWOT analysis is a prearranged loom to calculating the strategic position of a business by identifying its strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. SWOT offers an uncomplicated way of analysing the results of marketing review. Internal strengths and weakness are abridged as they communicated to external opportunities and threats. (Jobbers; 2007) It analysis the complete strategy of the company based on policies and the business method which they follow. This pictures the companies advantages and disadvantages in companies perspective. The SWOT for TCS is as follows, (S)TRENGTHS widespread universal reach Strong economic presentation Human management skills Innovative lab system The Fame of the founder (W)EAKNESSES Momentous publicity to financial service markets. Deficient in level of consulting operations. (O)PPORTUNITIES Expansion in worldwide IT services Focus on SMB segment Expanding maneuvers in countries like china Focus on high end business and consulting (T)HREATS The Hike in Employee costs Powerful competition from overseas firms like Accenture, IBM etc. Merge in the end markets Currency gratitude Increase in competition from low wage. (S)TRENGTHS: The popularity and the reach all over the global markets made TCS a reputed and known firm in the Global IT Market. The TCS had launched the branches all over the world which can be considered as the primary strength for the TCS. TCS made clear and strong economic presentations around the globe which makes its clients a financial confidence about the company. The International base of TCS, India is known for its skilled employees in IT field which naturally made TCS very strong in Human resource. TCS is also skilled in the management skills as its board of directors are from overseas countries in order to adopt the strategies from all the parts of the world. TCS have a very good infrastructures and innovative labs with all the latest technologies which help TCS employees to update the latest technologies and to make research in various fields. The fame of the founder is also an added strength for the TCS. (W)EAKNESS: The excess exposure on the financial service markets which usually need to be kept confidential is considered as the main weakness of TCS. TCS is also lack in effective consulting team which show a strong reflection of decline in the growth cycle of the TCS, Being a company which works on Outsourcing projects usually needs a very good effective consulting team which acts as the bridge between the clients and company. TCS really lacks in that. (O)PPORTUNITIES: TCS being a fast growing IT firm is very keen in establishing and expanding its business to almost all the parts of world right from India, China, Latin American countries, Asia-pacific and etc which opened up a great business opportunity for TCS. The Focus in the SMB segments is also lays a very good business opportunity for TCS. Expanding the global branches to void countries like china, Asia-pacific will extend the business opportunities of TCS in future. TCS have a very good opportunity in high end business and consulting in the future if they rectify their weakness in consulting service. (T)HREATS: The rapid growth and development in India and other global areas, A common demand for employees arise which result in the increase of cost for employees. TCS has to face a very high competition from overseas and well established companies like IBM, Accenture and etc. The complete merge in the End markets is also a biggest threat for TCS. The advantage on rupees always stands as the biggest threat to all IT companies in general. Increase of competition from low wages is another threat. The similar Indian firms like Wipro, Infosys are also at their full phase of capturing global markets. TCS has to face a cold war against the threats which the company faces. As all the competitors of TCS are equally strong and effective in which TCS cant ignore the supple one. PORTERS ANALYSIS ON TCS: Porters tool will help to analyse the main five competitive factors which affects the companys growth ( Being TCS itself is an supplier, it do not have problem with the suppliers, the other four forces which are problematic to TCS are the threat of new entrants, the bargaining power of customers, the threat of substitutes and the spirited rivalry between the existence. In the untimely days the software exports, the software wholesale market was overlooked by very few massive like Accenture, EDS and IBM, where the Indian concern were outlined as small level companies in result the TCS and other Indian software companies competed themselves in the lower end of the business, which resulted TCS and other organizations to choose small projects and tasks which are simple to do. TCS also faced a customer market that was conquered by the insurance companies and huge banks. While TCS keenly hunted for alliances with larger sellers as a competitive strategy, TCS most successful approach was to honestly loom clients and admit the minor charges that its competitive pose dictated. The entry of new companies have reduced rapidly as the huge companies like TCS, Infosys and Wipro have developed and grown huge in their market share, size and reliability with their customers. Though, the companies struggle to decrease their straight rivalry through demarcation of manufactured goods, in every market there has been enormous competitors. TCS has to work seriously upon reducing the bargaining power of customers. TCS can prevent price strategy in mixing up with purchase decision. It means that TCS should bring more than undifferentiated indoctrination by moving up the cost sequence. Such approach might be difficult in the software outsourcing business as the clients have an in-depth domain enterprises and rights of inclination to hold on to the work allocated under considered consulting. The clients very well know that the complete bargaining power lies in the strategic consulting; outsourcing that may reduce their bargaining power. TCS have to build up enough knowledge so as to construct outsourcing these errands a convincing worth plan. Of course, it is exactly in this empire that the multinational outsourcing firms such as Accenture, IBM, and EDS are the most vicious customers. Falsifying groupings are often viewed as a superior approach to offset clients bargaining command. Though, constructing alliances with companies functioning in clients sites have to be low-priced as this would advance focus on TCS in application progress. On other side, the attainment of a medium-sized US firm with sturdy customer relations and domain expertises could offer a striking opportunity. Even if expenses per employee would increase, the go up would be minute since workers needs are lesser for higher value-added jobs. The main anxiety for TCS is opposition from existing companies like Wipro, Infosys and CTS as it has produced rivalry for active dealings and twisted noteworthy pricing stress. Internationally, Companies like EDS have sited themselves as competent of handling huge, turnkey ventures which can distinguish themselves from contestants such as Accenture and IBM that spotlights on superior value-added jobs such as consulting. This proposes an organically-driven expansion strategy for TCS: as TCS should persist to do the similar sort of job that it presently do, but should attempt to arrest a better section of the value-addition by accepting huge projects. Although it has exhibited a potential in distant project management, TCS would be requisite to increase the same capability. But, there are also few risks which prevail in this strategy. TCSs huge dimension implies that it might have already exploited wealth to amount in applications improvement. Adding to that, the strategy may tender the latent for huge growth since it essentially engages elevated value-added actions. Before, this was hard, partially owed to the technical complexity in rejecting the value-chain away from the modularization of appliances programming. In recent years, though, systems design, manufacturing services, and systems integration job have increasingly been outsourced suggestive of that, if the abilities are at hand, those works could be completed in India. The threat of substitutes are mainly from the China, Philippines and eastern Europe which emerge as a biggest threats to the Indian IT companies, which is mainly due to the low cost. The companies from these countries quote very low price for the same quality of products as the Indian Companies do, which creates a great impact on medium to long term projects. It is difficult for TCS being operated from India to attain the organic growth. As the globalization

Friday, October 25, 2019

Inclusion of Children with Autism Essay -- Teaching Education Schools

Inclusion of Children with Autism The inclusion of children with learning disabilities into normal classrooms has proved to exhibit both positive and negative effects on children with and without disabilities. However, the negative aspects of inclusion have not proven a strong enough point in that the good, which comes from this experience, severely outweighs any doubt of its success. Inclusion of autistic children has shown to be beneficial due to the notion that these 'disabled kids' can attend 'normal' classes with their non-learning disabled peers. By allowing all kids to feel 'normal' we, as a society, stand a chance of making prejudice which we associate the disabled under, cease to exist. Autism is a rare disorder that primarily affects the nervous system and psychic emotion system. It causes the abnormality or incapability to complete, on the normal level, skills in language, sensory, communicative, and social perspectives. Depending on the individual's severity, the disability can manifest itself in a very wide range of symptoms. One of the universal symptoms is an infatuation with inanimate objects or objects that spin. Although the disorder encompasses many different symptoms and effects, it is very common for children with autism to develop other disorders throughout their development. In many cases, children will develop hyperactivity, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and/or Tourette's syndrome. Autism is still a disorder that is under continuous study by many people in an attempt to determine exactly how the brain is being affected. The disorder is not a form of retardation, although some children with the disorder are born with mental retardation. Even tho ugh autistic children lack the normal skills in... ...ho has this disability? Kaplan, James E. & Moore, Jr., Ralph J, (2000), Legal Rights and Hurdles. (2nd ed.) Powers, Michael D. Ed., Children with Autism: A Parent?s Guide, Woodbine House Inc ?Explains inclusion and the testing aspects and how they determine if the students are hurting or benefiting all parts their schooling environment? Macarthur, Charles A., Rozmiarek, Daniel J., (1999), Full-Time Collaborative Teaching: Special Education in an Inclusive Classroom. Graham, Steve & Harris, Karen R. Ed., Teachers working Together, Massachusetts: Brookline Books. ?Discusses what and how inclusion works. Who is involved and how it effects both teachers and the students who partake? Guskin, Samuel L., Gottlieb, Jay, (1941), Attitudes Toward Children with Disabilities. Encyclopedia of Educational Research, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, (Vol. 1).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nursing Informatics at All Levels of Patient Care

The development of nursing informatics was inevitable.   As a matter of fact, nursing informatics is a growing discipline, defined as the â€Å"use of information technologies in relation to those functions within the purview of nursing, and that are carried out by nurses when performing their duties.   Therefore, any use of information technologies by nurses in relation to the care of their patients, the administration of health care facilities, or the educational preparation of individuals to practice the discipline is considered nursing informatics† (Turley, 1999). Nursing is a scientific discipline with a focus on information or knowledge.   Hence, nursing informatics, too, is focused on the easy access of crucial information to nurses.   Indeed, nursing informatics has the power to embrace all pieces of information that a nurse would require at any time.   Whether it is patient data or information about medicines that is required by a nurse at any given time, the help that information technology can provide in accessing required information, cannot be discounted.   No longer does the nurse have to flip through â€Å"book after book† to find needed information at a time of emergency. No longer does he or she have to go searching for doctors when electronic communication is ready to ease the functioning of healthcare facilities (Nelson, 2005).   Nursing informatics also allows teaching nurses to impart education more effectively to their juniors.   It is a fact, after all, that information technology allows for accurate information to be stored and retrieved.   Thus, Meadows (2002) predicts an increasing use of information systems in the healthcare profession.   I would add to the prediction that since nursing informatics is a groundbreaking use of technology in healthcare, all areas of patient care (including my own) would benefit tremendously by its use.   Errors will be checked more easily by appropriate use of IT.   In point of fact, I predict a general improvement in healthcare as a direct consequence of nursing informatics. References Meadows, Ginny. (2002, November). Nursing informatics: an evolving specialty. Nursing Economics. Nelson, Darrick. (2005, February). More than a pocketful of knowledge: a family practice group uses integrated mobile technology at the point of care to improve decision-making and patient care. Health Management Technology. Turley, James P. (1996, December 22). Towards a Model for Nursing Informatics. Journal of Nursing Scholarship.      

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Progressive Case Study

Progressive Case Study Progressive Auto Insurance company is among many other competing firms in the industry. Some of the others include State Farm, Allstate, and GEICO. They are currently the third biggest private auto insurance industry. From the time they came into existence they have strived for being the most innovative company in the market and shared the values of â€Å"fair, fast, best. † Beginning in 1957 Progressive mainly dealt with standard drivers but soon after they developed a strategy that benefitted them greatly.For the next 25 years they started to focus on the nonstandard driver, who are the drivers that insurers would not cover. Particularly they segmented motorcyclists who had recently received a DUI. They priced the premiums high which resulted in high profitability. They found out that the motorcyclists were actually a lot lower risk than other companies originally perceived. Starting in 1990, they started a practice of immediate response which reduced trauma for the person involved and also helped them in getting an accurate quote for the damages.They also introduced the gold card which reduced the time it took for people to respond to Progressive. In 1995, Progressive became the first insurance company to expand its business to the world wide web essay writer website. The biggest innovative move they made was in 2000 when they introduced the concierge service which included full service repair and customer service at their own shops. Starting in 2006 Progressive was enjoying high profitability due to unanticipated accident frequencies.Thus many companies cut their prices to keep up with the competition. The problem with this is severe underwriting losses. They tried the tactic of reducing prices below their competitors in hope to gain market share but this was the opposite result for them. The CEO Glenn Renwick recommended slowly returning to the underwriting profits of 4% rather than the drastic price drops which could hurt the m if the accident frequencies increased.JD power and Associates gave Progressive a sub par score for overall customer satisfaction of 14. They also fared low on brand awareness ranking in at 57% unaided brand awareness. Their competitors were at GEICO(79%), Allstate(69%), and State Farm(74%). Although they increased their advertising from 8 million in 1997 to 263 million in 2006, they were lagging behind the leading competitors in the field. Although Progressive have been striving as an innovative insurance company they have been lacking behind a few leading companies.It appears that they may need to narrow in on their strengths and cut out some of their programs to make sure they are ensuring high customer satisfaction. After learning that there are many risks out there, people want to know that they will be in good hands after a major disaster or incident. People will always rely on insurance companies because there numerous risks out there that people face everyday. With these co mpanies people feel at ease about the everyday risks that they constantly endure.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Writing a Literature Essay A Complete Guide

Writing a Literature Essay A Complete Guide Although upon entering college, most students are already familiar with essay writing in general and literature essay writing in particular, many of them don’t realize that what is understood under this term on this academic level is quite different from those informal, fairly freeform texts they wrote in high school. The requirements and practices commonly used here are quite different from what you might have been used to. First of all, there isn’t such a thing as a clearly defined literary essay – it is subdivided into many different subtypes, the most important of them being: Analysis essay, where you provide deep insights into a particular literary text, studying its structure, writer’s agenda, imagery, stylistic devices and so on. Its goal it to examine and sometimes evaluate the work in question; Research essay, usually dealing with a broader scope than just a single work of literature; Reaction essay, where you tell about your impressions from reading a text; Persuasive essay, where you try to convince the reader of your point of view; Narrative essay, where you try your hand at storytelling yourself. However, all of them are similar enough for you to be able to learn how to write one of them and get a fairly good idea of how to deal with all the rest. In this literature essay writing guide, we will cover tactics and practices that will help you write literary essays of any types. Selecting a Topic Students are given varying degrees of freedom when writing literature essays. Sometimes you may be assigned a literary work to write about, but are otherwise free to do anything you like with it. Sometimes you are given a rigid topic you cannot alter at all. Sometimes you are given a completely free rein, and can choose whatever you want to write about. However, no matter what your situation is, you should remember two points: Limitations aren’t always a bad thing – when some variants are cut off you don’t have to worry about choosing that much; Even if the topic is assigned, you can often negotiate it with your tutor or instructor. If the changes you want to make aren’t drastic, he can usually be persuaded to meet you halfway. So how does one approach the choice of a topic? Choose a text that interests you or an underlying theme present in more than one text. Why is it important? In what ways understanding this theme in a particular text helps one understand other texts of the same author (or other authors) better? Select a text you know well. Perhaps there is a book you’ve read many times already and always keep finding something new and fascinating about it? If you don’t have to study the text to start writing about it, you have a huge advantage over those who are unfamiliar with it; Don’t be in a hurry to read other analytical works on the text. This will prevent your thinking from being contaminated by other people’s ideas too early on and give you a better opportunity of forming your own opinions and ideas on the text. Try to formulate your topic on your own, without trying to fashion it after typical topics used by other researchers; After you’ve formed your working hypothesis, you may start looking through the literature on the topic to see what other researchers say about the subject. At that point, you may need to change your original intentions because it may turn out that the topic you’ve decided on has already been researched through and through. If the topic turns out to be unoriginal, try to change it for something more unusual – the less-trodden path you take, the better will be the attitude of your instructor. However, make sure to check if the topic you choose has enough information sources to work with, or you risk ending up with a topic you cannot properly work with because you don’t have a body of research to rely on. In the end, you should get a topic that you are comfortable with, that is at least somewhat different from the majority of papers dealing with the text in question and that has enough information sources to build your thesis on. Here are some examples you may use: The Theme of Duality in The Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens; The Role of Fate in Romeo and Juliet; Lord of the Flies by William Golding and Tunnel in the Sky by Robert Heinlein: Two Takes on a Single Issue; Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse as a Modern Quest Narrative; Fight Club as an Epitome of Disillusionment Genre. Working with Sources: Important Tips from Our Writers When writing a literature essay of any type you are going to work with two general types of sources: The primary source is the text you research. It is the primary literary work your research is based on. Even if you study entire creative work done by a particular author, one of his texts usually plays a more important role than the others – that would be your primary text for such a paper; Secondary sources are all the other sources of information you use: critical articles, analytical works, blog posts, reviews, author’s comments and any other writings concerning the primary text; If nobody has written about the exact combination of the topic and the text, what about books about the same topic in other works by the author or other authors connected to the one you write about (e.g., from the same time period or literary school)? Your best bet at finding what you need is using specialized search engines and academic databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar or a discipline-specific one like ProQuest Literature Online. These contain not just academic articles and other kinds of publications, but information about how many times they have been referred to in other sources and other useful data. Preparing an Outline An outline is basically just a plan of your essay. It may be more or less detailed depending on your preferences and writing style, but the idea remains the same. You write down: the main points and probably entire sentences from introduction and conclusion (because they are short and the success of your essay depends very much on how well you manage to present them); the entirety of your thesis statement (again, because it is a short and very important part of your essay); the main points of each supporting paragraph, along with sources to refer to in each of them. Usually after writing an introduction and thesis statement, you use one reference to the primary text that supports your main point and then support it with a few references to the secondary sources. Formulating a Thesis Statement Your thesis statement is the gist of your paper reduced to one, possibly two sentences. In short, it is the main thought behind your essay – quite often, it is your interpretation of the text you work on. A thesis statement is usually located at the end of the introduction: after you’ve already grasped the attention of your reader but before you started discussing the text in earnest. It is important to understand that a thesis statement and a topic are two different things. The topic is the general subject area you are discussing in your essay, e.g., â€Å"The Theme of Poverty in the Creative Work of Charles Dickens†. The thesis statement is exactly what it says on the tin – a statement you make concerning the topic, it is the result of your research or just your opinion. For example, â€Å"Charles Dickens’ descriptions of poverty in his creative work stem from his personal experiences as a young man† would be a thesis statement. Writing the Body of the Essay The body of your essay is reserved for the development of your central idea. A good rule of a thumb to follow is to have no less than three body paragraph for a 500-700 word essay, each covering a single point supporting your primary argument. Each paragraph of the essay’s body should contain a topic sentence followed by explanations and textual evidence. A topic sentence (normally the first sentence of a paragraph) states one of the topics connected with your thesis and how exactly this topic supports the central idea of your essay. Evidence should come either from the primary text or secondary sources, with the former being the more important one. It comes in four types: Summary – short retelling of the text; Paraphrase – retelling of the text’s fragments in your own words; Specific details – here you don’t retell a part of the text but rather draw the reader’s attention to a small part of it; Direct quotations – fragments of the text repeated word for word in accordance with your formatting style. Writing Introduction and Conclusion Write a thesis statement first and leave the rest of the introduction for later. The most often advised approach is to write it last of all, even after the conclusion – this way you will already know what is present in your essay and won’t have to remake anything to meet the requirements that changed along with the contents of your paper. Start with a hook to catch the attention of the reader. It may be: a quotation from the primary text or a secondary source; a highly unusual or controversial idea about the primary text; a fact from the life of the author relevant to your thesis statement; or anything at all as long as you can make it work. After that, provide some background information and smoothly go on to your thesis statement. Complying with the Format Traditionally, literature essays are written in MLA format; you may find the most important instructions for writing in it here. If you want a more in-depth guide, look for a paper copy of a style guide in a library. Unless stated otherwise, most literature essays are written in 12pt, Times New Roman font. Proofreading If you can afford it, there should be an interval between when you finish writing per se and start proofreading your essay. Trying to make corrections immediately after finishing writing is ineffective the impression is still too fresh, and you are too much inclined to jump over the familiar sentences, missing mistakes and stylistic flaws. When proofreading a literature essay you should pay attention not just to actual errors in grammar, spelling and syntax, but to style as well. Stylistic requirements here are less rigid than in, let’s say, psychology essays, but they are still present: Don’t use personal pronouns. Words like â€Å"I†, â€Å"we†, â€Å"you† etc. make your writing too personal, while you have to maintain objective academic tone; Use transitional words and expressions like â€Å"therefore†, â€Å"so†, â€Å"thus†, â€Å"so far† etc. to connect paragraphs with each other and make the flow of your essay smoother; Make sure you stick to one idea throughout your essay. The main goal of any essay it to drive home a point made in thesis statement, and you should pursue this goal with every sentence and every word. If on rereading the essay you see that certain elements are superfluous for that purpose, eliminate them without remorse; Get somebody else to read your essay, preferably somebody whom you can trust to do it attentively. Ask them if they find the flow of ideas logical, if there are any loose ends you have to deal with, if there is enough evidence backing up each point; Use some tricks to change the way you perceive your essay and find more potential flaws. For example, read it out loud – if you stumble upon a fragment, there is a high chance of it needing revision. Or change the font and its size and print it out – when the words and sentences look differently from the way you are used to, you pay more attention to them. We hope that these literature essay tips will turn writing your next literature essay into an enjoyable and easy experience – when you know what you are doing, no task ever appears to be too hard!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Social Security Disability Lawyers I Disability Attorneys of Michigan

Social Security Disability Lawyers I Disability Attorneys of Michigan Disability Attorneys of Michigan Help a Local Maintenance Worker Get Disability Benefits Mike was a maintenance worker for years, but suffered from severe leg and back pain. He needed medical treatments to control his pain, but his insurance company would not cover his treatments. Mike heard about Disability Attorneys of Michigan and called us for help.We fought to get Mike the disability benefits he deserved and in the end won him Medicare, which covered the cost of his monthly medical treatments.If you are unable to work due to a physical or mental disability call Disability Attorneys of Michigan at 800-949-2900. We will work hard to get you the disability benefits you need.Disability Attorneys of Michigan have helped thousands of people win the disability benefits they need. Living with a disability is hard enough, but without a regular income life is a real struggle.Call Disability Attorneys of Michigan for a free confidential consultation. We’ll let you know if we can help you get a monthly check. If we do not win your disability case, you owe us nothing. We only get paid if we win your disability benefits claim.Disability Attorneys of Michigan works hard every day helping the disabled of Michigan seek the disability benefits they need. If you are unable to work due to a physical, medical or mental disability, contact Disability Attorneys of Michigan now for a free consultation at 800-949- 2900.Let Michigan’s Leading Social Security Disability Law Firm Help You Get The Benefits You Deserve.Disability Attorneys of Michigan. Compassionate Excellence. DA Michigan, Disability Attorneys, Disability Attorneys of Michigan, Social Security Disability, social security disability attorneys, social security disability law firm, SSD Claim, SSD Law Firm

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Canevin Theater

Canevin Theater Essay Canevin Catholic High School offers many extra curricular activities. Those students geared toward the physical challenges may choose from various athletic programs such as, basketball, soccer, and football. On the other hand, there are additional activities for those more interested in a mental challenge. These students may join such organizations anywhere from FBLA to Forensics. However, of all the extra curricular activities offered by Canevin, none excites me more than Dramatics. This paper takes a look at my last three years involvement in the annual musical productions here at Canevin. Traditionally, Canevins dramatics has been a full-scale musical production performed in the spring. Students may audition for chorus, acting or dancing parts or they may join one of the many stage crews. During freshman year, I tried out for the musical Working. Working depicted different careers through dialogue, song and dance. To my surprise, I made callbacks. When the cast list was posted, the role of Anthony Polazzo, the Mason, was awarded to me. After weeks of hard work and rehearsals, it was finally opening night. From that time on, I realized Dramatics was for me. The following year, the start-up meeting could not arrive fast enough for me. The play selected for my sophomore year was Damn Yankees. The musicals main character was Joe Hardy. Joe wanted so drastically to play baseball for the Washington Senators, that he was willing to sell his soul to the devil. When the cast list was posted this time, I was assigned to play the role of Mr. Welch. As owner of the Washington Se nators, I was expected to portray a prestigious and confident businessman who enjoyed his cigars. In one short year, I went from a mason in overalls, to a baseball team owner decked out in a suit and tie. Thats show business!Into the Woods was selected as the musical for the following year. The story line included various adaptations of traditional fairy tales. Well, if mason to owner wasnt extreme enough, what would you say about Cinderellas father? Junior year found me playing the character of an older man who marries for the second time, to a woman with two nagging daughters. In a house of four women, no wonder he resorted to drinking. Directed to use a silver flask as a prop and a fair amount of improvisation of libations, I portrayed the character of Cinderellas father as a drunk. When the final curtain came down closing night on Into the Woods, there was, however, one more performance still to come. This year Canevin had been nominated for 6 Gene Kelly Awards, including Best Musical in Budget Level 2. The Gene Kelly Awards sponsored by Pittsburghs Civic Light Opera recognizes students for excellence in High School musical theater. On the night of the awards, those schools nominated for Best Show perform on the Benedum stage a selection from their production. Extra rehearsals were scheduled, and a final practice with the Benedum orchestra was needed. I am proud to announce that Canevin was awarded the Gene Kelly for Best Costume Design and Best Musical in our division. Additionally, each year two students are asked to represent their school in a final production number. This prestigious honor is always given to two seniors. Unfortunately, this year, two of the practices fell during graduation activities. Since 5 rehearsals are mandatory, our director, Treva Rueso made her selections from the junior cast members. A fellow junior and I were ecstatic to be chosen to join members from all the participating schools in the final production number, Keep Your Eyes on the Goal. The plethora of ecstatic people applauding at the close of the Gene Kellys was phenomenal. It was indeed an honor to represent Canevin in this collaboration of students exercising their many talents. READ: Shakespeare is a well known author who wrote in th EssayI have experienced many gratifying moments in my years at Canevin, but few have been as electrifying as sharing with fellow cast and crew members their ability, courage, and commitment in creating the annual school musical. The Dramatic program continues to surprise its supporters with innovative musical theater. Through my experience in putting on a musical, I have learned what it means to work as a team. The camaraderie was intense and rewarding. I

Friday, October 18, 2019

Dissertation Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Proposal - Dissertation Example 2. STATEMENT OF RESEARCH 100 words i. Identify and list your objects of study: these must be PRIMARY sources that you can see/ visit/ access directly now and later. Make it very clear what and where these are. (WHAT exactly are you researching) This research aims to explore the existence of Feminism if any in the field of arts, media and design. The research takes into consideration the various transformations that have happened over the centuries in order to have an insight on the transformational process. The study will focus completely on the feminism aspect in arts and media studies and will tend to explore the stages involved. ii. Define the significance of the subject. (WHY you are researching this) Arts have been a successful medium for girls in schools and it has been one medium that is free from all sorts of gender inequality and the lack of opportunity. Although arts have been successful among the girls as far as the education is concerned, however there has been explicit o mission of this gender in art education books. This research will attempt to find out the issues of gender in the art and media design and how it has been carried out over the years in terms of the social and economic contexts. iii. Define the approach you will adopt: provide theoretical approaches that may be relevant to your study - explain how; reference carefully.

3.Describe a scenario in which you would use the custom reports Essay

3.Describe a scenario in which you would use the custom reports feature under the Reports menu in the MS Project 2010 Project View - Essay Example The customs feature permits users to develop customized and pre-defined reports. Additionally, in MS Project 2003, one can easily locate the report link under the section of View | Reports. In MS Project 2007, similar features are found in Report | Reports. When users choose these reports link, a dialog box with unique custom features pops up. The customs feature may be used when users want to view details of their plans in varied ways (Schwalbe, 2011). A solitary report may entail a dynamic mixture of textual content, charts, and tables. Dissimilar to many views in MS Project, a story resembles a blank canvas where you can place any elements. The features include charts and tables that emphasize on information that interests users (Schwalbe, 2011). The custom features, similarly, helps users to develop particular information needs for the corresponding projects. The custom feature allows the execution of numerous functions that would otherwise be bulky and daunting. The individual features make report creation a simple

Disparities between races in the legal system Term Paper

Disparities between races in the legal system - Term Paper Example Targeting populations has gone so far as to include pregnant women who are drug addicted, effectively giving them no other recourse than to abort their children rather than risk jail time as services and efforts made post conception are not always considered when incarceration is considered by the legal system. The primary problem with this concept is that it appears to attack African American women over any other race, thus suggesting that the legal system is trying to encourage African American women to abort their children, rather than carrying them to term. The way in which the justice system has developed has encouraged and promoted a continuation of social problems rather than providing relief for those issues through racial profiling that diminishes the credibility of the system.Traffic Stops  Racial profiling is defined by Glover (2009) as â€Å"the use of racial and/or ethnic status as the determinant factor in decisions to stop motorists either in the absence of indicati ons of criminality or in determining who to enforce law against† (p. 11). There is a pervasive habit among law enforcement to stop drivers who appear to fall within the social groups of African American or of Hispanic descent for traffic violations, real or exaggerated, in order to investigate the nature of their business within a specified geographic location. A study done under the supervision of Dr. John Lamberth through Temple University in 1994 showed that the New Jersey police provided for an unfair.... that it appears to attack African American women over any other race, thus suggesting that the legal system is trying to encourage African American women to abort their children, rather than carrying them to term. The way in which the justice system has developed has encouraged and promoted a continuation of social problems rather than providing relief for those issues through racial profiling that diminishes the credibility of the system. Traffic Stops Racial profiling is defined by Glover (2009) as â€Å"the use of racial and/or ethnic status as the determinant factor in decisions to stop motorists either in the absence of indications of criminality or in determining who to enforce law against† (p. 11). There is a pervasive habit among law enforcement to stop drivers who appear to fall within the social groups of African American or of Hispanic descent for traffic violations, real or exaggerated, in order to investigate the nature of their business within a specified geograp hic location. A study done under the supervision of Dr. John Lamberth through Temple University in 1994 showed that the New Jersey police provided for an unfair percentage of traffic stops for people of non-Caucasian groupings. The study showed that â€Å"while African American drivers and Caucasian drivers committed roughly the same percentage of traffic violations, a startling statistic of 73.23% of the drivers stopped were African American drivers, while only 13.5% were of a different race† (Harris, 1999, 265) A Maryland lawsuit involved a defendant by the name of Robert Wilkins, a Harvard Law student, against the police department because he felt that when he was stopped by the police he and his family were unfairly processed and made to wait while drug sniffing drugs were brought to the scene

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Existence of God Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Existence of God - Research Paper Example Science believes only in things which can be proved with the help of experimental facts. In other words, as long as the existence of God proved beyond doubt with some kind of experiments, science may not believe in God. On the other hand, religions give more importance to beliefs rather than facts. According to religious views, science or humans have limitations in explaining the existence of God since God has more power than humans. Creations can never be superior to the creator. In short the arguments in favor and against the concept of God seem to be endless. This paper analyses the arguments in favor and against the existence of God. Arguments in favor and against the existence of God The first purported proof of the existence of God is the ontological argument. The ontological argument seeks to prove the existence of God from the laws of logic alone. It dates back to St Anselm, an eleventh century philosopher-theologian and archbishop of Canterbury, but was also used by the Fren ch philosopher Rene Descartes. It argues that once we mentally grasp the concept of God we can see that God’s non-existence is impossible. This argument, if it is successful, demonstrates the existence of a perfect being that could not possibly fail to exist (Arguments for God's Existence, 2004). One of the major arguments against God is caused by the invisible nature of God. Atheists are of the view that if God exists, he should appear in a visible form. In their opinion, the existence of invisible things without scientific proof cannot be believed. At the same time it should be noted that we believe that electrons and protons do exists and electricity is the flow of electrons. In other words, we have no problems in believing in the existence of electrons even though we never seen it. However, we can experience the effect of electron flow (electricity) in many ways. We know that a bulb may not be lighted unless the electricity flows through its filament. If we can believe in the existence of electrons, we can definitely believe in the existence of God also. Believers can experience the influence of God in many ways. It should be noted that electrons will flow only through good conductors. Objects such as wood, glass, etc like insulators may not conduct electricity. Same way God will act only through his believers. In other words, both electrons and the God need a medium for its working. In the case of electrons, the medium is conductors whereas in the case of God, the medium is believers. Bad conductors will never agree the concept of electron and same way atheists will never agree with the concept of God. When we look at the design and structure of this universe, we cannot reject the idea of a creator. It is illogical to believe that everything in this universe occurred accidently. In other words the symmetry of this universe provides ample evidences for the existence of god. If Earth were smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, like the planet Me rcury. If Earth were larger, its atmosphere would contain free hydrogen, like Jupiter. Earth is the only known planet equipped with an atmosphere of the right mixture of gases to sustain plant, animal and human life. The Earth is located the right distance from the sun. Consider the temperature swings we encounter, roughly -30 degrees to +120 degrees. If the Earth were any further away from the sun, we would all freeze. Any closer

The effects of Interior Design and staff Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

The effects of Interior Design and staff - Essay Example Ulrich (2010, p.97) argues that the failure of hard facilities are attributed to the fact that they are stressful and does not satisfy the psychological needs of patients, staff and visitors. Research indicates that poor design impacts negatively on the well-being of patients. In addition, poor designs can affect the psychological pointers of wellness negatively. In this regard, research has associated poor design of the interior medical environment to a number of negative consequences for patients such as delirium, anxiety, high blood pressure, and increased intake of pain drugs. Therefore, the interior design has a responsibility to produce health facilities that enhances functional efficiency, marking, codes and reduces cost. In addition, designers should also aim at promoting the wellness of patients by designing physical environment that is psychologically supportive. Ulrich (2010, p.97) argues that a psychologically supportive environment promote patients’ coping with il lnesses such as stress and depression. In addition, a supporting environment impacts greatly on the healing effects of drugs, which enhances the recovery process. Poor designs, on the other hand, does not promote patients’ coping with stress since it is associated with stressors that only worsen the patient’s condition. Poor designs have also been found to have effects that negatively impacts on the healing process. Based on the above comments, this paper will examine the extent to which the interior design on medical environment stimulates patients and staff. Why a good healthcare environment is important for patients Edge (2003, p.2) argues that environmental factors influences how people behave in a given building setting. As a result, dating back to 1960s, architects have strongly believed that if someone can manipulate his environment to enhance physical well-being, then he or she can influence it to promote the behavior required and do away with the negative cons equences. The concept has since played a major role in the design of hospitals facilities all over the world. Naturally, when someone is not comfortable with the physical environment where he or she lives, the person can solve the problem by either finding the ways of adapting to the same environment or simply departing the area. However, this does not apply in hospital facilities. This is attributed to the fact that patients have no control of designing to change the environment or leave altogether because they are held captive in their surroundings. As a result, the responsibility of enhancing the wellness of patients on the hospital is placed upon the designers according to Malkin (1992, p.16). Edge (2003, p. 3) notes that designers usually face a huge challenge in coming up with a good interior design that enhances the well-being of patients. Patients usually come to the hospital suffering from a given ailment. As such, it is imperative that the interior design of the hospital f acilities positively influences the psychological state of patients and promote their recovery process. â€Å"Good quality design will contribute to providing an environment in which patients will be safe and secure. Well-designed buildings, capable

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Assessments for Marketing Management Term Paper

Assessments for Marketing Management - Term Paper Example In order to effect substantial growth, businesses have aimed to market their businesses beyond their geographical borders. This has made way to international marketing enabling businesses to compete at a global scale. As part of s marketing strategy, it is vital for a business to ascertain its status and relevance within a market in order to pave any way forward. The timing and the level of consumer demand help a business in establishing the right marketing avenue. The one in charge of the marketing strategy is usually the marketing managers in many organizations. In addition, a business should have detailed objectives and a better understanding of their businesses in order to initiate appropriate and cost friendly marketing engagement strategies. In this context, the marketing principle collides with strategic planning for effective implementation of the goals intended plan (Hill & Jones, 2012). For a long time, this form of management depended on three crucial aspects that are the customer, the competitor, and the company analysis aspects. These constitute the three C’s of marketing. However, this paper will dwell on various aspects that contribute towards effective marketing and access of a market audience. Question 1: Different needs that most consumers have Majorly, there are categories of consumer needs. These needs are stated, real, unstated, delight and secret needs. Ideally, a customer buys a product mainly for its ability to offer a solution to the need presented. In a break down, stated needs are those that a customer has articulated and seen the importance of having as a matter of priority. Here the cost of the solutions not the customer’s priority but the priority is the having any product satisfy the need. In addition, the taste or the choices of the product do not matter, as it is a matter of immediate problem solving and not spoiled choice. The second type of need is the real needs category that involves the consumer’s speci fic action in to what they are looking for. For instance, a consumer may mention what they do need but when it comes to the actual search or picking of the solution to their problem, they may pick on something different. In this regard, the price of the product that they intend to buy may hinder them from going for the most expensive hence meeting the real need with a relatively affordable product. Thirdly, there are the unstated needs that a customer may have but they do not say them out loud (Krishnamacharyulu & Ramakrishnan, 2011). This is to mean that these are needs, which a customer may not express, but still expected by the consumer. Essentially, these could be in terms the consumer expected prices of the commodity and assistance in ascertaining which product will have a pocket friendly price. In this regard, this need draws facilitation from the retailer selling the products. The fourth need that a consumer may have is the delight need that entails the surprise additional be nefits of acquiring the product during its sale. In essence, it is more appealing to a consumer when the product that they intended to buy has a buy one-get one free tag line. Ideally, any consumer would tend to go for a product that will give more for less irrespective of their quality attributes. Therefore, a consumer may go out to buy products to solve their needs but then change their minds when they get to the retail store because of the extra incentive factor. Lastly, the fifth type of need is the secret needs that are concealed inside a consumer’s head. Essentially, these are the needs, which application of a product solution will help the consumer be like a symbol within the products image. For instance, the hidden need when one uses a facial cream would be the need to become as the beauty queens used

The effects of Interior Design and staff Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

The effects of Interior Design and staff - Essay Example Ulrich (2010, p.97) argues that the failure of hard facilities are attributed to the fact that they are stressful and does not satisfy the psychological needs of patients, staff and visitors. Research indicates that poor design impacts negatively on the well-being of patients. In addition, poor designs can affect the psychological pointers of wellness negatively. In this regard, research has associated poor design of the interior medical environment to a number of negative consequences for patients such as delirium, anxiety, high blood pressure, and increased intake of pain drugs. Therefore, the interior design has a responsibility to produce health facilities that enhances functional efficiency, marking, codes and reduces cost. In addition, designers should also aim at promoting the wellness of patients by designing physical environment that is psychologically supportive. Ulrich (2010, p.97) argues that a psychologically supportive environment promote patients’ coping with il lnesses such as stress and depression. In addition, a supporting environment impacts greatly on the healing effects of drugs, which enhances the recovery process. Poor designs, on the other hand, does not promote patients’ coping with stress since it is associated with stressors that only worsen the patient’s condition. Poor designs have also been found to have effects that negatively impacts on the healing process. Based on the above comments, this paper will examine the extent to which the interior design on medical environment stimulates patients and staff. Why a good healthcare environment is important for patients Edge (2003, p.2) argues that environmental factors influences how people behave in a given building setting. As a result, dating back to 1960s, architects have strongly believed that if someone can manipulate his environment to enhance physical well-being, then he or she can influence it to promote the behavior required and do away with the negative cons equences. The concept has since played a major role in the design of hospitals facilities all over the world. Naturally, when someone is not comfortable with the physical environment where he or she lives, the person can solve the problem by either finding the ways of adapting to the same environment or simply departing the area. However, this does not apply in hospital facilities. This is attributed to the fact that patients have no control of designing to change the environment or leave altogether because they are held captive in their surroundings. As a result, the responsibility of enhancing the wellness of patients on the hospital is placed upon the designers according to Malkin (1992, p.16). Edge (2003, p. 3) notes that designers usually face a huge challenge in coming up with a good interior design that enhances the well-being of patients. Patients usually come to the hospital suffering from a given ailment. As such, it is imperative that the interior design of the hospital f acilities positively influences the psychological state of patients and promote their recovery process. â€Å"Good quality design will contribute to providing an environment in which patients will be safe and secure. Well-designed buildings, capable

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Architect Antonio Gaudi Essay Example for Free

Architect Antonio Gaudi Essay The work of Antonio Gaudi can be seen as visionary. Ahead of his time in many respects, it becomes clear when viewing his work that he influenced many of the great revolutionary artists of the early 21st century. The significance of his life-works as an artist and particularly as an architect reveals extraordinary contributions to the thought processes of the ‘Modernists’. Looking at some two of his architectural pieces, we can discover an entirely new meaning to architecture altogether. Antonio Gaudi displays many of the fantasy elements indicative of the Surrealist movement, although his work was categorised as Art Nouveau. His progression from Art Nouveau to near-Surrealist work can be seen in comparing the reasonably modest Palau Guell (1886-1890) to Casa Battlo (1906-1908). Palau Guell is a grand scale expression of extravagance which still has many of the attributes of Classicism. It is beautiful and decadent with every aspect of glamour and frivolity related to the Art Nouveau period. Gaudi, I feel has restrained his imagination in the sense that he has not indulged in the same fantasy world we see in his later works. The Palau Guell is almost a modern incantation of the ancient Greek and Roman Colloseums. Casa Battlo represents a rather unusual perspective of the artistic movement itself. The Casa Battlo in its design resembles more of a candy-castle than a functional building. The exterior of the building is scattered with ceramic designs that Gaudi had plastered into the facade. At face value this gives the viewer a sense of the ‘other world’, a place where children go in their dreams. This was in fact, in my opinion, the beginning of the Surrealist manifesto. Completely out of keeping with the original idea of architecture, Gaudi creates a building that not only performs a function but contributes to the aesthetic value of the surroundings into which it is placed. The roof of the Casa Battlo is covered in what appears to be scales, almost aquatic in its construction, but at the same time not intrusive. At this stage it is difficult to ascertain in ones own mind whether you like it or hate it. The balconies extending from the large bay-windows are also intricately carved and resemble to a degree, alien-like heads with large gaping eyes. The vision of Art Nouveau as outrageously decorative, embellished and facetious is clearly visible in this particular piece of Gaudi’s work. The exploration of the fantasy world gives it an uncanny feel of something out of the fairytale Hansel and Gretel and can make you fell uneasy. In the strict sense of the word ‘influence’, I can be certain that I see the predecessor to the Surrealist movement in Gaudi’s work. The idea of dreams rather than reality begins to emerge in his later work which is passionately infused with richly decorative mosaics and other ceramic artefacts. If one takes into account the impression Art Nouveau wanted to make, I think Gaudi surpassed it with the kind of architectural eloquence worthy of being called a ‘visionary’. Art Nouveau’s mantra of snubbing Classical rigidity was flouted by Gaudi and his contemporaries and led to the influence of architectural movements such as Bauhaus and sculptural artistic endeavours such as Tatlin, Dali and Leger. The previous attempts at breaking from traditional art as explored by the Impressionists served to fuel a more fertile mind in terms of the architecture of Gaudi. In Gaudi’s work we see the expression of the mind in tactile form. Looking at the features built around Guell Park, evidences of the movement into the exploration of colour in architecture is also visible. The water fountains are embellished with mosaic fish and other aquatic-like creatures that by some people’s standards would be described as ‘kitsch’. However, for me this fantasy world does exactly what it was intended to do: create a feeling of euphoria and joy. It is not functional beyond the aesthetic. Gaudi is ahead of his time.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Health Demographics in Derbyshire

Health Demographics in Derbyshire (Derby city council, 2013) Dermography Alvaston is in the south east of Derby city centre and approximately covers 702 hectares. It has expanded with the arrival of the railways and linked employment in the 19th century (Derby city council, 2011). The population of Alvaston is 16,255. 50.3 % are females and males make 49.7% and this follows a national trend (D.C.C, 2011). Alvaston has a higher number of children of the ages of 0-4, 2% more than England average (ONS, 2011). An increase in number of children is said to be a result of having a large population of women of childbearing age. This is reflected in the Ward. There is a higher percentage of women in this age range, potentially increasing the number of children in the Ward (ONS, 2013). Due to the vast improvements in healthcare infant mortality rates have continually decreased over the years (ONS, 2013). The high number of children can increase pressures on the local services such as childcare providers, schools and health visiting services. Gender Fig 2. According to ONS (2011) Alvaston ward has more females than males and this follows a national trend. Naidoo and Wills (2010) points out that women live 6 years longer than men on average. This is said to be because women are more likely to report illness and are less likely to be in full time employment, therefore having easier access to healthcare while men are exposed to unsafe working environments and tend to adopt risky behaviours socially, like alcoholism and they contribute to a high number of accidents. (Annandale and Hunt, 2000) Ethnicity Adapted by Author (ONS,2011)Fig 3. Alvaston Ward is not ethnically diverse, its population is predominantly white, accounting to 88% of the ward population, slightly higher than national average (ONS, 2011). However Asians make 5% of the biggest ethnic group population. Ethnicity plays a role in terms of illness and behaviour, furthermore some diseases are more prevalent in certain ethnic groups, and for example, cardiovascular diseases are more common in Asian men (NHS, 2015). Genetics cannot be altered but it is important for health professionals to be aware of such groups to allow proper preventative preparation and screening processes for diseases and illnesses prevalent in particular ethnic groups. Disease Paterns Adapted by Author:ONS,2012Fig 4. Morbidity Alvaston has good access to primary care services. There are three Gp practices, four pharmacies, four dental practices and an Optometrists serving the ward (Derby city council,2012).The ward has a significantly high percentage of people with emergency hospital admissions for myocardial infarction, 40% more than national average (local main cause of MI is smoking Coronary heart disease is also high at 38% more than national average. According to Naidoo and Wills (2010) coronary heart disease is one of the most commonly reported longstanding illness in the UK. It is the most common cause of premature death, and often results from a number of lifestyles factors (see Fig ) such as diet high in fat, smoking, alcohol and lack of exercise (Naidoo and Wills, 2010). Health practitioners have a role to construct programmes to tackle causation factors and educating the public about the risks accredited to certain habits and practices. Mortality Fig 5. Mortality is one of the indicators of deprivation, early mortality rates from Coronary heart disease are 39% higher in Alvaston compared to nationally (PHE, 2013). The death rates from CHD has increased to three times higher among unskilled man than among professionals (DOH, 1999). CHD is caused by key lifestyle risk factors such as smoking, poor nutrition, obesity, lack of exercise and high blood pressure (DOH, 1999). The ward is also high in smoking (see lifestyle graph). Poorer people are often exposed to highest risk as low socio economic status and lack of education seem to be associated with behavioural risk factors for CHD (Hemmingway, 2007). The increase of influencing factors to CHD start in childhood, and this has authenticated the healthy child programme.(DOH,2008). Although there are many causes of CHD, communities need to be made aware of the changeable risk factors. Unemployment has also shown to increase the risk of CHD, unemployment levels are higher in Alvaston compared to nationally. The DOH(2000) government document ‘Saving Lives: Our healthier nation has recommended that Health and Local authorities should lead the development and implementation of a comprehensive local programme of effective policies to reduce smoking, promoting healthy eating, physical activity and reducing overweight and obesity. In Alvaston, these services are provided by the Live-well, which is a local authority project. Cancer incidence Adapted by author: ONS, 2011Fig 6. Over 250 000 people in England are diagnosed with cancer, despite the developments made to tackle it, a big gap remains in mortality rates (Naidoo Wills, 2010). The increase in cancer rates is said to be a result of longer life expectancy, however according to ( ) work environment contribute to cancer mortalities. Workers from low class jobs are twice as likely to die from cancer as compared to professionals are (Naidoo and Wills, 2010). In Alvaston the majority of the workforce are in elementary jobs (see Fig ) and there are many smokers therefore increasing the prevalence of lung cancer to 44% more than national average. The NHS Framework, a strategy for cancer has set out actions to be used to tackle preventable causes of cancer (DOH, 2011). The focus is primary, this is aimed at health education and support for behaviour changes, especillially in relation to smoking and healthy eating. And secondary focus is intended at increasing the uptake of screening services (DOH.2011). And some of the environmental factors that are linked to cancer are being acknowledged and developed (Naidoo and Wills, 2010). Life expectancy Adapted by Author: ONS, 2011Fig 7. Life expectancy at birth defects in Alvaston is worse off compared to national average, Males at 5% worse and females at 4% worse (ONS, 2011). According to Doyal and Payne (2011) Lower life expectancy is linked to deprivation and lower socio economic status. Determinants of Health Determinants are described by World Health Organisation (2013) as the causes that impact health, such as conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age including the health system. Some of these determinants are changeable like social, economic, environmental conditions that influence the health of individuals and populations (Marmot, 2010).Availability of resources that improve quality of life can have a big impact on population health outcomes, for example, availability of healthy foods, affordable housing, access to education and health services (Marmot, 2010) and these determinants can be altered either at community or social policy level. Index of Multiple deprivation Adapted by Author: (ONS,2012)Fig 8. Indices of multiple deprivation are those factors that are used to measure deprivation in an area. These measures include measurement of income, health, education and housing (Derby city council, 2012). Alvaston is one of the most deprived wards in the country, ranked fourth most deprived of all Derby Wards (Derby city council, 2010). Index of Multiple Deprivations (IMDs) measures level of deprivation in lower layer super output areas (LSOAs) (Derby city council, 2012) Childhood poverty is significantly high in the ward at 15% higher than national average, disadvantaged older people measure high at 25%, makes it 7% higher than national average, income deprivation also measure at 7% higher than England average (Derby city council, 2012). Green et-al (2015) points out that constant childhood poverty is damaging as it does not only affect in short term but it has long lasting effects and it adds to sustaining cycles of deprivation. In order to reduce childhood poverty, the government has set strategies to tackle inequalities (Green at-al, 2015). Fair society, healthy Lives document, and its first recommendations from the Marmot review (2010), are that every child is given the best start in life. These recommendations are sanctioned through a wide range of policy initiatives, including sure start, healthy child programme and Child Poverty Act, 2010. (Marmot, 2010). Education Adapted by Author: ONS, 2012Fig 8. Education is an important social determinant of health Ungerleider et-al (2009). There is a pointedly higher percentage, totalling to 33% of people with no qualification in Alvaston than England average of 23% (Derby city council, 2011). Education is linked to other health determinants in that good education increases the prospects of getting a safe and well-paying job with good working conditions (Benatar and Brook, 2011).educated individuals tend to adopt healthy lifestyles behaviours, furthermore it is Identified Health Need Adapted by Author: ONS,2012Fig 9. Coronary heart disease (CHD) Coronary heart disease is described as the narrowing of the coronary arteries, which are one of the important structures in the heart, due to build-up of fatty material within their walls and therefore damaging these vessels and thus limiting their ability to deliver blood to many organs including the heart.(BHF,2010)(Granato,2008). Coronary heart disease is also classed as cardiovascular disease, and these are said to be one of the main causes of death in Europe (BHF). In Alvaston there is a substantial percentage of coronary heart disease, amounting to 177 percent, almost doubling national average amongst the under 75s (ONS, 2012). According to the Derby city council (2012) health and wellbeing is determined by many factors, and it is clear that effects on health can be due to a number of interrelating variables. Coronary heart disease is caused by many lifestyle risk factors such as smoking, unhealthy diet (high in fat and salt), obesity and not exercising. Other factors include family history, ethnicity and co-existing predisposing factors like Diabetes and High blood pressure (Naidoo and Wills, 2010). The more risk factors an individual has the more they are likely to develop Coronary heart disease and the risk increases with age (British heart foundation, 2012). There is a small percentage of people eating healthy on the Ward and as already discussed that this is linked to CHD. Obesity increases the risk by 46 percent and physical inactivity by 37 percent and this reflects the high levels of the disease in the ward (Derby city council, 2012). Although coronary heart disease typically occur in middle age or later, it is said to be higher among the lower socio-economic communities and more men die as a result of CHD while women are more likely to die from stroke, and this is said to be due to behavioural factors associated with the risks (Doyal and Payne, 2011). To combat Heart disease the government has put in place many policies in collaboration with the Food Standards Agency to reduce the intake levels of unhealthy eating and salt (Marmot, 2010) (WHO,2015). The Department of Health document, ‘Saving Lives: Our healthier Nation(1999) has also made recommendation to tackle coronary Heart Disease There has been a reduction in the advertisements for unhealthy foods during children’s television programmes (NICE, 2010). Clear labelling and traffic light system on food labels were introduced to encourage people to make healthy option choices (DOH, 1999) (British heart Foundation). Promoting physical activity in the workplace is very well encouraged across the country and the use of green space areas to encourage exercise (Marmot, 2010) as well as introducing plain standardised tobacco packaging and banning tobacco advertisements and Smoking cessation (The white paper,2010).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

BP Oil Spill: Marketing Terms and Key Concepts Essay -- Marketing

According to BP website (â€Å"BP at a Glance,† n.d.), â€Å"BP is one of the world's leading international oil and gas companies, providing its customers with fuel for transportation, energy for heat and light, retail services and petrochemicals products for everyday items.† Currently, they are the world’s third largest oil company and the largest oil and gas producer in the United States (Hoover’s, Inc., 2012). Prior to 2010, BP attempted to brand itself as an environmentally friendly company by expanding its markets into alternative energies, such as wind and solar. On April 20, 2010 a BP-licensed oil rig located in the Gulf of Mexico exploded and killed 11 people (Kinver, 2011). In addition to the people killed, the oil spill released 4.9 million barrels of oil into the Gulf (Kinver, 2011). At the time, the effect on the environment, people, and BP were not fully realized. It is known that the Gulf of Mexico is home to many different types of wildlife including shrimp, fish, and pelicans. Although it is still too early to measure the full impact of the spill, scientists are doing their best to study it. Some conclude that the long-term effects could be devastating while others figure that it will not be as bad as originally speculated (Kinver, 2011). In addition to the wildlife, the people of the Gulf area experienced great loss as a result of the oil spill. Many of the residents rely on the fishing industry either directly or indirectly. Since the fishing industry took a hit, the people and towns suffered as well. In fact, many of the people have left and businesses shutdown (Dymond, 2012). The oil spill of April 20, 2010 was the worst in U.S. history (â€Å"BP p.l.c.,† 2012). While BP learned many valuable lessons from t... ...rieved from Gulf of Mexico Restoration. (n.d.). Retrieved on April 7, 2012, from Hoover’s, Inc. (2012). BP p.l.c. Overview. Retrieved April 7, 2012, from Hoover’s database. Jennings, M. (2010). What bp teaches us about ethics, risk, and business management. Corporate Finance and Review, 15 (2), 38. Kinver, M. (2011, April, 19). BP oil spill: The environmental impact one year later. BBC News. Retrieved from Raymond, M. A. and Tanner, J. (n.d.). Principles of marketing. Retrieved from Vranica, S. (2010, June 7). BP steps up bid to fix image: Company readies series of tv spots to address its response to gulf oil spill. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from ABI/Inform Global