Sunday, May 10, 2020

What Role Does Morality And Ethics Play On Love - 860 Words

What Role does Morality and Ethics Play on Love? Morality has morphed into its own identity over the years and ethics has maintained its connection to love. Morality is the repetition of behaviors such as habits, according to Hugh LaFollette. Ethics is how a person behaves or how they do things based on their moral principles. Noah Elkrief states that love is the ability to be with someone without feeling the need to make judgements; negative or positive about that person. Morality and ethics play an important role on love and relationships, by establishing unsaid rules and understandings between the two lovers involved in the relationship. Ethics is a subcategory of morality, in other words ethics is how one behaves and understands emotions based on their experiences and learnings of morals. Love is a very diverse emotion and a lot of key factors play a role is how one learns how to love and show love. Love is not easily understood or defined but you can start with learning about a person’s mindset on morality and ethics. Morality has a huge impact on the ethics of an individual and how they perceive a relationship. Morality is how a person distinguishes right from wrong. A person’s morality is usually developed throughout their lives and is highly influenced by the way they are raised. The individual’s environment can also play a role in their morality, such as; if they are vastly involved in their community church then they may take the morals they believe from theShow MoreRelated Moral Dilemma Essay1636 Words   |  7 PagesMoral Dilemma As human beings, we are forced to accept the inevitability of being unwillingly confronted with situations that test the strength of our morality and character. In the midst of deep moral conflict we become immensely introspective and we follow our intuition with the hopes of it guiding us towards the morally correct decision. 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