Wednesday, March 4, 2020

How To Outline A Memoir A 3-Step Guide To Organization

How To Outline A Memoir A 3-Step Guide To Organization How to Outline Your Memoir (in 3 Powerful Steps) For aspiring memoirists, one of the trickiest hurdles comes after the beginning moment of inspiration. You get the brilliant idea to write a memoir, sit down at your computer all ready to spill out your story, and†¦you realize you don’t know how to start.Now you might be hit by a flurry of doubts:Where should I begin writing my life-story?How do I know what to include in my memoir?How can I make sure that other people want to read about me and my story?If you’re asking these questions, the solution is simple: write an outline. In this post, we look at how you can turn your assorted memories into a rock-solid outline that will make it that much easier to write (and publish!) your memoir.Why outline?According to Zadie Smith, there are two types of writers in the world: micro managers and macro managers. They are sometimes known as plotters and pantsers. If you’re the former, you may already have started outlining your memoir in your head - so skip ahead to th e next section for concrete tips and get the ball rolling on your outline.If you’re a pantser (someone who writes â€Å"by the seat of their pants†), you may need convincing as to the benefits of outlining. In a nutshell: a week of outlining now could save you a year of torturous revision down the road. Outlining - and figuring out such things as theme and scope - can give your story a sense of purpose before you even start writing it. It’s particularly important for memoirists to have a firm grasp on this before entering the drafting stage. Otherwise, they’re particularly susceptible to simply spilling unstructured memories on paper. Tip: 1 week of outlining now can save you 1 year of torturous revision in the future. As you write your memoir, you may recall another compelling moment from your life or come to an epiphany that might change the thematic direction of your memoir. You should never hesitate to explore them. However, a â€Å"goal without a plan is just a wish,† as Antoine de Saint-Exupà ©ry said. It’s good to spend some time on an outline and have an initial roadmap in front of you, so that you know in which direction you’re heading - and what point you’re trying to make.

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