Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Blizzard free essay sample

Admissions Essay – Topic of Choice Snow was falling rapidly around us. We had nothing to eat, and no place to stay. Our whereabouts were unknown since the snow made it difficult to see the road. We had no idea what to expect, and night was approaching. It was January 1999, and the weather certainly reflected that. At the moment, my family was traveling from our old home in Rome, Georgia to our new home in Wisconsin. Before this, my brother and I had not yet experienced such weather. We only knew the sunny, pleasant weather of Georgia. The blizzard was a relatively new concept to us. A blizzard is exactly how I would describe our surroundings as we reached Indianapolis, Indiana. The weather was so horrible that the roads were impassible, making it impossible to drive onward towards Wisconsin. We had no idea what to do next. We needed to find a nearby hotel quickly, since everyone else also currently trapped in Indianapolis needed places to stay. We will write a custom essay sample on The Blizzard or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As luck would have it, we found a Country Springs Inn with some room and we then proceeded in going to the local Meijer’s to buy some necessities, since no one knew how long the storm was expected to last. It turned out that this snowstorm was the worst to hit the Midwest since 1967. Our family began seriously debating the entire idea of moving, and everything that was familiar to us. Maybe we had made the wrong decision. The first eight years of my childhood were spent in Georgia. Rome is a lovely town of around 31,000 people who epitomize Southern charm and character. In Georgia, when it snowed (if ever), the entire city was shut down. Children of all ages would waste the day away making snow angels, building figures that somewhat resembled snowmen, and my personal favorite, snowballs. The one hat and pair of gloves that each family owned were fought over incessantly. It was a joyous day when it snowed in the South. After three long days, the roads were finally clear, and we could continue onward to our new home. Now, when I think of snow, I reflect on that winter back in 1999 and the doubts everyone had about our move. Despite all the adversity we experienced on that trip, we continued onward. Although I would enjoy experiencing the warmth of the weather and the people of Georgia again any day, I don’t regret my parent’s decision to move to Wisconsin. The North and the South don’t only differ in the aspect of weather, but also in the aspect of culture. After having experienced living my life in both the North and the South, I have learned to appreciate both places for their unique characteristics. I hope that this aspect makes me better prepared to attend your university and face all the world has to offer. The Blizzard free essay sample Thesummer before eighth grade my grandmother convinced me to enter acontest. The city of Hartford was looking for a name for its franchise,the first womens team in the American Basketball League (ABL). Thewinner would receive four season tickets and the honor of naming theteam. I jotted down a few names and submitted my entry. Laterthat summer I went to basketball camp and came home to an excitedhousehold congratulating me. Of all the entries, I was chosen to name apiece of womens sports history. The name picked from my listremained a secret until the press conference. I was told that theunveiling would be creative, and that I had to be there. When I arrivedat the Basketball Hall of Fame, there was a pile of artificial snow onthe floor. After a few announcements by the general manager, I picked upa shovel and, in front of six television cameras, shoveled off the snowto reveal the name: the New England Blizzard. We will write a custom essay sample on The Blizzard or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This connection toa professional sports team gave me a behind-the-scenes look at theplayers and crew. Having no experience with publicizing a sports team, Iwas amazed at the amount of work it took to launch the Blizzard. Themarketing and promotion departments were instrumental. Their assignmentsincluded television and radio commercials, billboards, exciting pre-gameand half-time shows, autograph sessions and team apparel. Reebok, theofficial sponsor, was responsible for designing T-shirts, sweatshirts,jerseys, hats, stuffed polar bears, keychains and more to be distributedthroughout New England and at ABL venues. The combination ofmedia and merchandising increased public awareness of the team and keptfans active and excited at games. The marketing and promotiondepartments hard work paid off, with the Blizzard leading the league inattendance its first season. The team was a huge success until the ABLwent bankrupt. I miss these experiences, but my two-yearstint with the team provided a lifetime of memories. Not only did Iwatch a great team play, I got to see the process behind it. After witnessing the development of the Blizzard, I knew I would studymarketing and promotions in college. My persistence, proficiency andcreativity are all required to succeed in promotions and marketing. Toparaphrase Graham Greene, the door opened and let my future in.

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