Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Banning Books in Schools Essay - 983 Words

The practice of the censorship of books in schools has been prevalent due to the explicit content of them. Parents have been complaining to schools about books that count as required reading because they disapprove with the points made in the book. If a book consists of offensive or sexually explicit material, then parents would challenge the schools about them in order to prevent their children from reading them. Censorship in general has been an intensely debated issue because it is considered an infringement to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution while others argue it is used to conceal inappropriate things (Aliprandini and Sprague). The banning of books in school curriculum has also been debated since parents see†¦show more content†¦In addition, they believe that the content of the book could corrupt their kids’ moral sense. However, there are people that argue against the idea of censoring books in schools. One counterpoint of the argument of the topic is that banning books hinders students from discovering new things and obtaining knowledge. According to the article, â€Å"Banning Books: An Overview†, Michael Aliprandini and Carolyn Sprague state, â€Å"The core arguments against the banning of books have been based on protecting the rights of individuals to free speech as well as to promote intellectual freedom – the rights protected by the First Amendment.† They are basically explaining how arguments of book banning connect to the idea of intellectual freedom and protecting individual rights, which are implied in the First Amendment. Censorship of books can be expressed as violating the rights and freedom of the individuals. Boyd and Bailey support this idea of intellectual freedom by presenting how banning books in schools with the quote from their journal, â€Å"Censors evoke barriers to free thought and speech when they block knowledge acquisition, intellectual development, as well as creative and critical thinking†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Boyd and Bailey, 655). In other words, students will not be able to develop the academic skills they need in order to succeed in school if books are banned for them. Previously, there have been books banned from the school curriculum because of theShow MoreRelatedEssay about Banning Books in Schools1066 Words   |  5 PagesSchool boards and teachers have a responsibility for protecting the minds of their students and covering age appropriate material. However, does this responsibility cover the extreme act of banning books from school classrooms? 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Development Of Mathematical Understanding Education Essay Free Essays

1.0 Introduction 1.1 What is seminal fluid ; how it is made and what is it composed of Seminal fluid is a substance found in many male species sexual generative secretory organs. We will write a custom essay sample on Development Of Mathematical Understanding Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Semen is the nebulose white organic structure fluid that is emitted from the urethra of the phallus during interjection. It is made up of a assortment of molecules and cells such as leukocytes, proteolytic and other enzymes every bit good as fruit sugar and is a medium for elimination and transit of sperm cell. In the human male species, production occurs in the prostate secretory organs and gonadal which are slightly thankless sex accoutrement secretory organs until they malfunction or cease to work at all with the prevailing effects being drastically lower the rates of birthrate. Semen is composed largely of H2O, likely about 90 % by weight. After that, it ‘s a mixture of amino acids ( proteins ) , minerals, saccharides ( sugars ) , and a little figure of other things. Semen has a basic pH degree intending it is the antonym of acidic by nature – this is to antagonize and neutralize the vagina ‘s acidic pH and increase the sperm cell ‘s opportunities of endurance. Beginning: ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www.orgasmpower.net/semen-production.html ) Besides sperm, seeds is made of secernments from the seven lower urinary piece of land constructions. These constructions include: seminal cysts ( which account for 60-70 % of the fluid ) , prostatic secretory organ ( which accounts for 20-30 % ) and the staying per centum is shared by the epididymis, vessel deferens, ampullae of the vessel, Cowper ‘s secretory organs and secretory organs of Littre. Semen itself has high concentrations of K, Zn, citric acid, fructose, phosphorylcholine, spermine, free amino acids, prostaglandins and enzymes, which nourish and protect the sperm. Beginning: ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www.menstuff.org/issues/byissue/semen.html # funfacts ) SourceA : hypertext transfer protocol: //www.proceptin.com/phc/sperm-cell.php Main Production sitesA Seminal fluid is largely produced in four topographic points ; in the seminal cysts, the male testicles, the prostate secretory organ and in the Cowper ‘s secretory organs. The Seminal Vesicles: This is where the milklike white protein based substance ( semenogelin I and II ) that seeds largely consists of is chiefly produced ( Ulvsback et al. 1992 ) .A These semenogelins interact with each other and coagulumate after interjection ( Aumuller and Riva 1992 ) . ( Spermatozoa wellness depends on this substance for foods which they will utilize to prolong them on their manner to fertilise the female ova.A This fluid is besides alkalic in nature and helps to neutralize the acidic conditions within the female generative system. The Male Testes: This is the organ where the production of sperm cells occurs. Spermatozoa cells are cultivated here until they mature. After that they are so stored in the Ampulla where they wait to be ejaculated out of the organic structure. They are besides protected by glycocalyx secernments from the testicle, motorial canals, epididymis and accessary secretory organs ( Schroeter et al. 1999 ) . The Prostate Gland: The prostate secretory organ besides produces an alkalic solution that acts as a protective barrier for the sperm cells against the sourness of the female sexual generative environment. The pH of the fluid is maintained above 7 by the action of prostate prostasomes ( et Al. 1999 ) . The fluid produced, is a protastic serine peptidase and helps the liquification of the semenogelins clot ( Peter et al. 1998 ) The prostate is besides an of import beginning of superoxide anion aggregators in worlds ( Gavella et al. 1996 ) A The Cowper ‘s Glands: These secretory organs produce a clear slippery liquid besides known as pre-cum which is excreted during arousal or sexual stimulation.A It is produced by the Cowper ‘s or bulbouretheral secretory organs and creates a medium for which sperm can be transported and swim in through the male generative piece of land and acts as a lubricator to cut down clash during sexual activity. Seminal fluid Composition and maps Semens contains citric acid, free amino acids, fructose, enzymes, phosphorylcholine, prostaglandin, K, and Zn. The mean volume of seeds produced in a individual interjection varies from 2 to 5 milliliter. The seeds from a individual interjection may incorporate between 40 million and 600 million sperm, depending on the volume of the semen and the length of clip since the last interjection. Samples used for medical intents are obtained by holding the giver masturbate. If a sample can non be produced without sexual intercourse, non-reactive rubbers can be used to roll up the seeds. The procedure of secernment of seminal fluid in male mammals is finally under androgenic and estrogenic control, with a intensifying consequence happening between these two types of gonadal steroids ( Reaside et al. 1999 ) . Oxytocin secreted by the posterior hypophysis, lactogenic hormone secreted by the front tooth can besides command activity of sexual accoutrement secretory organs in mammals ( Gemmell and Sernia 1989 ; Kumar and Farooq 1994 ; Gonzalez et Al. 1994 ; Watson et Al. 1999 ) . There is a general consensus that the three major functional facets of seminal fluid are, its function in sperm competition, its map to help birthrate and in conclusion its function in the transmittal of venereal diseases. This is due to the composing of the seminal fluid being attributed to the secernment of many different tissues and that are under the control of a assortment of different constituents of the neuroendocrine system. The functionality of the seminal fluid constituents may be duplicated but in the procedure they will synergize and complement each other. As an illustration, increased immunosuppressive action of the seminal fluid on the female generative piece of land aimed at increasing sperm viability may besides ease the transmittal of sexually catching pathogens, therefore increasing the choice force per unit area on females to get the better of immunosuppression. ( Birkhead et al. 1993 ) . Seminal fluid is responsible for sperm capacitation for the ability to fertilise female ‘s egg cell. Besides some proteins secreted by male accessary secretory organs have been implicated in the procedure of sperm capacitation. ( Gillott 1996 ) . Structural proteins of the spermatophre that are secreted by sex accoutrement secretory organs, such as trehalase and sugars such as trehalose, may play a function in the activation of sperm within the female ‘s Bursa copulatrix ( Yaginuma et al. 1996 ) . The procedure of capacitation of sperm involves the acquisition of a coat of saccharides that from the glycocalyx ( Schroeter et al. 1999 ) . Most of those saccharides are attached to proteins organizing glycoprotein composites that are produced by accessary secretory organs and other tissues of the male generative system. Acquisition of a glycocalyx is indispensable in some taxa for the attainment of full capacitation of sperm and fertilizing ability. ( Schroeter et al.1999 ) . In work forces, accessary secretory organs secrete 5†²-necleotidase, an enzyme that hydrolyses nuleotides into phosphate and nucleosides, which may play a function in the alteration of sperm surface during capacitation ( Konrad et al. 1998 ) . Capacitation in human sperm is besides increased by tripeptide amides found in seminal plasma ( Khan et al. 1992 ) . Other endocrines and substances are besides found in seminal fluid such as, edothelin which facilitates transit of sperm and besides heighten sperm motions through the womb by myometrial contraction stimulation ( casey et Al. 1992 ) . The same is the instance with bradykinin which helps transporation by its smooth musculus loosen uping belongingss ( Charlse Worth et Al. 1999 ) . 1.2 Which metals have been found in seminal fluid and why? The interaction between metals and biomeolecules are important and major in biological categorizations. The metals preponderantly determine many metabolic reactions and fewer of them cat as the aetiological agents in environmentally induced neurological upsets. Aluminum, Zinc, Mg, Ca and lead hints can be round in seminal fluid in edge ionic signifier. These metals are of course found in minor hints and have an array of effects and utilizations and are collected in different avenues. It has been suggested that heavy metals may hold inauspicious impacts on male generative wellness [ Benoff S, Jacob A, Hurley, 2000 ; Telisman.S et Al, 2000 ] even at comparatively low exposures [ ; Telisman.S et Al 2007 ] . The heavy metals may adversely impact the male generative system, either by bring oning hypothalamic-pituitary axis break or by direct seeds quality decrease during spermatogenesis [ Wyrobek AJ et Al 1997 ] . Several metals are suspected endocrinal disruptor compounds and/or generative poisons such as chiefly lead ( Pb ) and Cd ( Cd ) . Human populations could be exposed to heavy metals at hint concentrations normally through consumption of contaminated H2O and nutrient or contact with contaminated air or dirt. Blood and seminal Pb concentrations every bit good as seeds quality among both occupationally exposed and unexposed work forces has been studied and concluded to hold a important opposite association [ De Rosa M et Al 2003 ; JurasoviA†¡ J et Al 2004 ; Telisman.S et Al, 2000, Eibensteiner L et Al 2005 ] . Cadmium has been connected to impaired seeds quality and altered hormonal degrees in work forces [ Pant N et Al 2003, Telisman.S et Al, 2000, Akinloye O et Al 2006 ; Zeng X et Al 2002 ] . Although Cd has been considered as an hormone disruptor, the mechanisms involved are non yet clear [ Henson MC et Al 2004 ] . Mercury ( Hg ) has been found to bring on abnormalcies in sperm morphology and motility in animate being vito surveies [ Mohamed MK et Al, 1987 ; Rao Mv et Al, 1989 ] . Choy et Al. [ Choy CM et Al, 2002 ] described Hg concentrations in seminal fluid and sperm abnormalcies in subfertile males. But contrary to that, Meeker et Al. [ Meeker JD et Al 2008 ] discounted that cl aim after happening no relationship between seeds quality and Hg degrees in blood. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.ehjournal.net/content/10/1/6 Zinc The intent of seminal plasma Zn on sperm maps has been a subject of involvement to many scientists. Zinc organs from the prostate is good established and found in seminal plasma as Zn citrate or edge to glycoprotein derived from seminal cysts ( Marmar et al. 1975, Arver 1982, Arver and Eliasson 1982 ; Kavanagh 1983 ; Lafond et Al. 1986 ) has been recognised since 1921 ( Bertrand and Vladesco, 1921 ) It has been found that Zn is indispensable to the decondensation of chromatin at the right clip every bit good as stableness. ( kvist et Al. 1987,1988 ) . Zinc is thought to play a function as a refinisher of an built-in mechanism for head-tail withdrawal of sperm cell ( Bjorndahl and Kvist, 1982 ) . The entire benefit or injury of Zn is vague because it has been reported that high degrees of Zn concentrations have been related to lowered sperm mortality, whilst others have reported that high Zn content in seminal plasma to be associated with a high grade of sperm cell motility ( Stankovic and Mikac-Devic, 1976 ; Caldamone et Al. 1979 ) . Zinc lack is associated with hypogonadism and deficient development of secondary sex features in worlds ( Prasad, 1991 ) . Besides high Zn concentrations have been reported to deject oxygen consumption in the sperm cell ( Huacuja et al. , 1973 ; Foresta et al. , 1990 ) , and albumin-induced acrosome reaction ( Foresta et al. , 1990 ) . Zinc has besides been found to be responsible for the antibacterial activity of seminal plasma ( Fair et al. 1976 ) and decreases in degrees are seen in prostate infections ( Marmar et al. 1975, Abyholm et Al. 1981 ; Papadimas et Al. 1983 ) . The entire Zn content in seeds from mammals was found to be at high degrees, and Zn has been found to be critical to spermatogenesis. But Zn can besides do wasting of the seminiferous tubules in the rat and ensuing in the failure in spermatogenesis ( Millar et al. , 1958 ; Underwood, 1977 ; Endre et al. , 1990 ) . Besides, high concentrations of Zinc have been reported to deject oxygen consumption in the sperm cell ( Huacuja et al. , 1973 ; Foresta et al. , 1990 ) , and albumin-induced acrosome reaction ( Foresta et al. , 1990 ) . Consiquently there have been conflicting studies on the consequence of seminal Zn on sperm motility ( Stankovic and Mikac-Devic, 1976 ; Danscher et al. , 1978 ; Caldamone et al. , 1979 ; Lewis-Jones et al. , 1996 ) . One such struggle arises when it is demonstrated that chelation of Zn ions affects sperm motility ( Saito et al. , 1967 ; Danscher and Rebbe, 1974 ) , and it has been suggested that bioavailable Zn edge to vesicular high molecular weight proteins instead than entire seminal Zn should be a step of the consequence of Zn on sperm map ( Bjorndahl et al. , 1991 ; Carpino et al. , 1998 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: //molehr.oxfordjournals.org/content/5/4/331.full.pdf+html Like zinc Mg besides originates chiefly from the prostate secretory organ and the degrees of this component in seminal plasma reflect prostate map ( Eliasson and Lindhomer, 1972 ) . The Mg degrees normally closely correlative with those of zinc concentrations ( Adamopoulos and Deliyiannis, 1983 ) .Lead a metal best known for being environmentally harmful doing it teratogenic and abortifacient. Lead disposal in animate beings causes sterility. Lead is non of course present in high sums in the organic structure but can be increased due to industrial exposure. The lead exposure has been observed to do teratospermia and to expose positive correlativity to blood lead degrees ( Lancranjan et al.1975 ) . Seminal fluid is rich in Ca and helps modulate sperm map as the concentration of Ca in seeds determines sperm motility, the ability of sperm to travel. However surveies show that an increased concentration of Ca ion was damaging to human sperm motility.Calcium is of import for sperm physiology including motility ( Morton et al. , 1974 ; Lindemann et al. , 1987 ) , metamorphosis ( Peterson and Freund, 1976 ) , acrosome reaction, and fertilisation ( Yanagimachi and Usui, 1974 ; Yanagimachi, 1981 ) . The function of seminal Ca in sperm motility is, nevertheless, non to the full understood. Thomas and Meizel ( 1988 ) found chelation of extracellular Ca ions with EGTA to suppress acrosome reaction, but at the same clip to hold no consequence on motility.Metals are omnipresent at low degree concentrations and are ingested by the general population either voluntarily through addendums or involuntarily through consumption of contaminated nutrient and H2O or contact with contaminated dirt, du st, or air. Some metals, such as Cd, lead, arsenic, and quicksilver, are incidental xenobiotics that can be measured in most of the general popu- lation [ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) 2005 ] . Because widespread human exposure and organic structure load have been demonstrated, there is turning concern for inauspicious wellness effects associated with low-level exposures encountered in the environment. Human and carnal grounds suggests that these metals may hold inauspicious impacts on male generative wellness at comparatively low lev- ELs. For illustration, Cd has been linked to hapless human seeds quality and DNA harm ( Telisman et al. 2000 ; Xu et Al. 2003 ) ; Pb may adversely impact sperm form, motility, and DNA unity ( Eibensteiner et al. 2005 ; Hernandez-Ochoa et Al. 2005 ; Jurasovic et Al. 2004 ; Telisman et al. 2007 ) ; and methyl- quicksilver is associated with sperm abnormalcies in subfertile males ( Choy et al. 2002 ) . However, human informations on nonoccupation al Exposure to these metals has been limited ( e.g. , Hg ) , missing ( e.g. , As ) , or inconsistent across surveies ( e.g. , Cd ) . We designed the present survey to research relationships between these incidental metals and seeds quality among work forces with exposure degrees that are likely to be representative of those found among the U.S. general population. Several other metals, such as Cr, Cu, manganese, Mo, Se, and Zn, are indispensable for good wellness but may be harmful above certain degrees [ Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry ( ATSDR ) 2003, 2004, 2005 ; Greger 1999 ; Institute of Medicine ( IOM ) 2001 ] . For exam- ple, Cr, Mn, and Cu, which act as cofactors for a assortment of of import enzymes, have been associated with decreased seeds quality in gnawers and in worlds ( Adejuwon et al. 1996 ; Huang et Al. 2000 ; Kumar et Al. 2005 ; Telisman et al. 2000 ; Wirth et Al. 2007 ) . Mo is besides an of import cofactor for a limited num- ber of human enzymes and has demonstrated generative toxicity in carnal surveies ( IOM 2001 ) . On the other manus, low doses of metals such as Cu, Se, and Zn may hold protective effects on male generative results ( Benofft al. 1997 ; Evenson et Al. 1993 ; Lyubimov et Al. 2004 ; Olson et Al. 2005 ) and may help in antagonizing the effects of Cd, Pb, or other metals ( Telisman et al. 2000 ; Xu et Al. 2003 ) . Because the possible exists for a figure of metals to positively or negatively affect male reproduction either separately or together, we besides included these metals in our analysis. This wk represents the most comprehensive survey to day of the month on metal exposures at environ- mental degrees and human seeds quality. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.scribd.com/doc/7905524/Cadmium-Lead-and-Other-Metals-in-Relation-to-Semen-Quality-Human-Evidence-for-Molybdenum-as-a-Male-Reproductive-Toxicant Table 1.1 demoing the effects of different metals on male generative system The tabular array below shows what Marthur and her co-workers found on how different metals affect the human male and male animate beings ‘ generative systems. Table taken from Journal of Biological Science by Marthur et al. , 2010 The human race is going more and more industrialised and at the same time urbanised. This is one of many factors which has induced the effects of ionic edge metals in male generative systems and caused worldwide qui vive ( Chowdhury, 2009 ; Turgut et Al. 2003 ) . Marthur et al. , 2010 were looking at one of the most toxic and inauspicious effects with in the human males generative system. An inflow in natural stuffs ingestion rates and graduated table has made the presence of metal compounds in the environment of all time more omnipresent. Anthropogenetic activities have been established as one of the prima causes for ecotoxicological effects. Metallic elements are various in composing and toxic stoping points, so they can non portion an exact chemical footing in toxicology. Metallic elements in ionic signifier have a inclination to be sensitive and extremely reactive which means that they can respond with biological elements, such as the human male generative system in a figure of different ways. This in consequence allows exogenic metals to exercise toxic effects that are straight linked to steric re-arrangement which has been found to be responsible for biomolecule mal map. ( Kasprzak, 2002 and Kasprzak et al. , 2003 ) . After consumption, metals can easy flux to the male generative system where the procedure of spermatogenesis is left vulnerable to changes. Similarly, the metals can interact and respond with familial make-up of the human male endocrines. Low sperm mortality and has been established to be a direct consequence of exposure to metals. Looking back at this reappraisal it can be easy deduced that the toxicity and sensitiveness of metals can be mostly attributed to the hormonal change and spermatogenesis break and or malfunction. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //scialert.net/fulltext/ ? doi=jbs.2010.396.404 A ; org=11 ) 1.3 A brief debut to aluminium Aluminum can be found bounteously in our environment. It is the 3rd most abundant component in the Earth ‘s crust, stand foring 8 % by weight of the entire constituents ( Martin, 1997 ) . The worlds are necessarily and invariably exposed to aluminium. High contents of aluminum can be found in some stones after the lithospheric rhythm where it is introduced into the Earth ‘s crust. Weathering of these stones is what causes aluminium-rich minerals to fade out, which forms indissoluble clay-like stuffs that finally are re-introduced into the Earth ‘s crust by deposit. Aluminium returns into the magma by farther subduction, which in bend completes the rhythm ( Exley, 2003 ) The attendant clay like stuffs play a important function in the lithospheric rhythm of aluminum so efficient ( Exely, 2003 ) these along with the hydroxyaluminosilicates, startle the aluminum content so that it does non over concentrate the biotic rhythm. Normally aluminium enters the encephalon through the blood-brain barrier ( BBB ) . It is suspected that the aluminum enters the encephalon by receptor-mediated endocytosis as a compound with beta globulin ( Roskams and Connor, 1990 ) . it has been reported that aluminum can come in into the encephalon as a compound with beta globulin which is bound to citrate through a specific transporter, Xca?’ ( l-glutamate/l-cysteine ) system money changer is the most likely agent as explained by Nagaswa. ( Nagasawa et al 2005 ) . High aluminum consumption has been related to the appearence a neurodegenerative disease ( Perl A ; Moalem, 2006 ; Kawahara, 2005 ) . Aluminium has no biological benefit ( Yokel 2002 ) . It is a poison associated with some medical conditions such dialysis brain disorder ( Alfrey etA al. , 1976 ) , osteomalacia ( Parkinson etA al. , 1979 ) , and it has been found to hold links with many other diseases including Alzheimer ‘s disease ( Exley 1999 ; Gupta etA al. , 2005 ) , Parkinson ‘s disease ( PD ; Yasui etA al. , 1992 ) , and amyotrophic sidelong induration ( Kurland, 1988 ) . 1.4 How are worlds exposed to aluminium? There are several avenues which worlds can be exposed to aluminium due to its natural copiousness in the environment. Traces can be found in nutrient, H2O and air and even more sums can be intentionally introduced by worlds ( Miller et al. , 1984 ; Cech and Montera. , 2000 ; Lettermann and Driscoll. , 1988 ) . Aluminium compounds can be found in pharmaceuticals like alkalizers, anodynes and antiperspirants. They are besides used in H2O intervention processes as coagulators and can even be found as metal in mundane consumer merchandises like foil paper and take away nutrient boxes. Aluminium compounds are besides found in about all workss. Edible workss that are of course high in aluminum include murphies, Spinacia oleracea and tea foliages ( WHO, 1998 ) . A recent survey at Keele University besides warned that unnecessarily high sums of aluminum are being used in the fabrication of baby powdered milk and that the aluminum content of expressions prepared from powdery milks was signifi cantly higher than ready-made milks, ensuing in babies consuming up to 600 I?g of aluminum per twenty-four hours Exley and Burrell, 2010. Pregnant adult females may be potentially exposed to aluminium through the diet ( including imbibing H2O ) , dust and dirt consumption and some medicines ( Roig et al. , 2006 ) . Surveies have proven that aluminum is a major subscriber to pathologies such as dialysis dementedness, iron-adequate microcytic anemia, osteomalacia ( [ Suwalsky et al. , 2004 ] and [ Domingo, 2006 ] ) Over the past 40 old ages the controversial inquiry refering the possible function for aluminium neurotoxicity in lending to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer ‘s disease has been debated but remains unsolved. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.sciencedirect.com/science? _ob=ArticleURL A ; _udi=B6TCN-4P6VDVC-2 A ; _user=128592 A ; _coverDate=10 % 2F08 % 2F2007 A ; _rdoc=1 A ; _fmt=high A ; _orig=gateway A ; _origin=gateway A ; _sort=d A ; _docanchor= A ; view=c A ; _acct=C000010620 A ; _version=1 A ; _urlVersion=0 A ; _userid=128592 A ; md5=ab46010ee2e9fa0fa7782f2dba6ebd0e A ; searchtype=a 1.5 What do we already know about aluminum and seminal fluid So far I have found out that although aluminum is largely a harmful metal with no direct biological benefit ( Yokel, 2002 ) , it is found in copiousness in our environment. ( Martin, 1997 ) .Aluminium in high concentrations was linked to reduced sperm motility ability ( Hovatta et al. , 1998 ) . It is besides responsible for impaired sperm quality. Research was undertaken to detect the underlying disagreements between sperm quality and geographic location by Hovatta and co-workers. Due to miss of elucidation as to factors doing the diminution, surveies to analyze seeds quality and the concentrations of aluminum, Cd and lead in sperm cell and seminal plasma in a group of employees of a refinery and a polyolefin mill and the consequences were compared with informations obtained from samples from sperm bank seeds quality ( Hovatta et al.,1998 ) . The survey discovered that the average sperm concentrations were similar in the mill employees ( 96H106/ml ) . The sperm giver campaigners of the comparing group had a important difference of ( 104H106/ml ) in 352 giver campaigners at the sperm bank of the Family Federation of Finland ( 107H106/ml ) between May 1993 and May 1995 ( Hovvatta et al. , 1998 ) . Research done in Finland discovered that high and unchanged sperm counts have been found ( Suominen and Vierula, 1993 ; Vierula et al. , 1996 ) . In contrast to that, two necropsy series of middle-aged Finnish work forces showed an addition in the incidence of upsets of spermatogenesis between the old ages 1981 and 1991 was unveiled ( Pajarinen et al. , 1997 ) . Meanwhile, decreased birthrate in Britain ran parallel with that in Finland, based on differences in the clip to construct ( Joffe, 1996 ) . Regional differences were besides apparent in the USA, with the highest mean sperm concentration being found in New York ( 131.03106/ml ) and ( A © European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology ) 115 the lowest in California ( 72.73106/ml ) ( Fisch et al. , 1996 ) . A little addition in sperm concentration between the old ages 1972 and 1993 was seen in Seattle, Washington ( Paulsen et al. , 1996 ) . It has been suggested that environmental factors played a function in the diminution observed in Europe, particularly environmental oestrogens ( Sharpe and Skakkebaek, 1993 ) . Oestrogens have besides been suggested to hold caused the addition seen in the incidence of cryptorchidy and testicular malignant neoplastic disease ( Sharpe and Skakkebaek, 1993 ; Skakkebaek and Keiding, 1994 ) . Heavy metals are potentially pollutants that may be harmful to sperm production. Exposure due to business or geographics to several metals is known to impair sperm quality ( Schrag and Dixon, 1985 ) . Substances such as lead and Cd concentrations have been measured in human seeds, seminal plasma, sperm cell, blood and piss, and high concentrations have been found to be related to impaired sperm quality ( Lancranjan et al. , 1975 ; Plechaty et al. , 1977 ; Braunstein et al. , 1978 ; Pleban and Mei, 1983 ; Stanwell-Smith et al. , 1983 ; Thomas and Borgan, 1983 ; Saaranen et al. , 1987, 1989 ; Chia et a l. , 1992 ; Hu et al. , 1992 ; Xu et al. , 1993 ) . In several experiments, many metals have besides been shown to be harmful with respect to testicular map and sperm production ( Alabi et al. , 1985 ) . Aluminum may good be one of the possible pollutants, because it reduces the weight of the testicles and was seen to do reduced epididymal sperm counts in the mouse ( Llobet et al. , 1979 ) . When aluminum is ingested in big sums, it leads to accumulation in certain mark variety meats such as the homo and animate being testicular tissues which consequences in harm occurring. The of long-run ingestion of aluminum showed suppressive effects on sexual behavior, lessening in birthrate and aggressive behavior ( Bataineh et al. , 1998 ) . There is grounds implicating androgenic endocrines involved in mechanisms of aluminum toxicity on male reproduction ( Sharpe, 1990 ) . To add to that, Guo et Al. ( 2005a ) carried out trials that proved that aluminium disposal significantly increased azotic oxide ( NO ) production and decreased both testicular adenosine 3aˆ?,5aˆ?-cyclic monophosphate ( camp ) and testosterone degrees. They demonstrated that inordinate NO activated inducible NO synthase ( NOS ) which may be involved in generative toxicity of aluminum. Information refering the generative toxicity and testicular disfunction of aluminum still needs more research. Besides, the function of propolis against aluminum induced impairments in the generative ability of rats has non yet been discovered. The survey taken on by ( Yousef and Salama,2009 ) , was aimed at finding the generative toxicity of aluminum chloride in grownup male rats. It showed that aluminum enhanced lipid peroxidation in plasma, testicles, encephalon, kidney, lung and liver of coneies, and besides in civilization of coney sperm ( [ Yousef, 2004 ] , [ Yousef et al. , 2005 ] and [ Yousef et al. , 2007 ] ) . Besides, to measure the protective consequence of propolis against the possible testicular disfunction caused by aluminum chloride. Table 1. Relative weights ( g/100A g organic structure weight ) of sex variety meats of male rats treated with AlCl3, propolis and AlCl3 + propolis. Parameter Experimental groups Control AlCl3 Propolis AlCl3+Propolis Testiss 0.72A A ±A 0.093 0.58A A ±A 0.061** 0.78A A ±A 0.0739*** 0.66A A ±A 0.091* Seminal cyst 0.35A A ±A 0.061 0.20A A ±A 0.081** 0.39A A ±A 0.105*** 0.31A A ±A 0.119* Epididymis 0.27A A ±A 0.036 0.19A A ±A 0.037** 0.30A A ±A 0.036*** 0.24A A ±A 0.041* Prostate gland 0.16A A ±A 0.023 0.14A A ±A 0.021 0.16A A ±A 0.017 0.15A A ±A 0.02 Full-size tabular array Valuess are expressed as meansA A ±A SD ; nA =A 10 for each intervention group. Significant difference from the control group at **PA lt ; A 0.01. Treatment of male rats with AlCl3 significantly ( PA lt ; A 0.01 ) decreased sperm concentration and motility rate. Meanwhile increased dead and unnatural sperm, as compared to command and propolis groups were seen in Table 2. Treatment with propolis entirely showed no important effects on sperm concentration and motility. while caused important ( PA lt ; A 0.05 ) lessening in dead and unnatural sperm compared to command group. On the other manus, intervention with propolis in combination with AlCl3 caused significantly alleviated the diminution in sperm concentration and motility, and significantly decreased the per centum of dead and unnatural sperm compared to AlCl3 group. This means that propolis minimized the toxicity of AlCl3.ignificant difference from the AlCl3-intoxicated group at # PA lt ; A 0.05 and # # PA lt ; A 0.01. Table 2. Changes in sperm concentration ( Sp. Conc. , A-106/ml ) , motility ( % ) , and dead ( % ) and unnatural ( % ) sperm of male rats treated with AlCl3, propolis and AlCl3A +A propolis. Parameter Experimental groups Control AlCl3 Propolis AlCl3 + Propolis Sp. Conc. 212A A ±A 15.5 148A A ±A 8.1** 233A A ±A 12.1 # # 199A A ±A 7.5 # # Motility 72.4A A ±A 1.89 50.9A A ±A 2.64** 79.7A A ±A 1.64 # # 70.5A A ±A 1.43 # # Dead 25.2A A ±A 1.95 45.1A A ±A 2.21** 20.2A A ±A 1.78* # # 28.8A A ±A 3.01 # # Abnormal 14.6A A ±A 1.96 21.3A A ±A 2.312** 11.6A A ±A 1.27* # # 16.7A A ±A 1.337 # # Full-size tabular array Valuess are expressed as meansA A ±A SD ; nA =A 10 for each intervention group.Significant difference from the control group at *PA lt ; A 0.05 and **PA lt ; A 0.01.Significant difference from the AlCl3-intoxicated group at # PA lt ; A 0.05 and # # PA lt ; A 0.01. This survey observed the consequence of aluminum chloride on sperm motility. ( Table 2 ) . Additionally, Dawson et al. , 1998 E.B. Dawson, S. Ritter, W.A. Harris, D.R. Evans and L.C. Powell, Comparison of sperm viability with seminal plasma metal degrees, Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 64 ( 1998 ) , pp. 215-223.Dawson et Al. ( 1998 ) found that high concentrations of aluminum in human sperm cell and seminal plasma are correlated with reduced sperm motility and viability. Motility is important in enabling the sperm to swim through the female generative piece of land and make the egg cell to accomplish fertilisation ( Aitken, 1995 ) . The observation can be concluded by stating that the lessening in sperm motility was caused in portion to the attendant decrease in testosterone production ( [ Guo et al. , 2005a ] and [ Yousef et al. , 2005 ] ) following aluminum intervention. Table 3. Plasma testosterone concentration ( ng/ml ) and activity of testicular 17- ketosteroid reductase enzyme ( U/min/mg protein ) , and testes protein content ( mg/g tissue ) of male rats treated with AlCl3, propolis and AlCl3 + propolis. Parameters Experimental groups Control AlCl3 Propolis AlCl3 + Propolis Testosterone 1.31A A ±A 0.244 1.00A A ±A 0.115* 1.51A A ±A 0.113* # 1.15A A ±A 0.064 # 17-Ketosteroid Reductase enzyme 14.6A A ±A 2.02 10.2A A ±A 1.13** 19.1A A ±A 1.49** # # 12.8A A ±A 2.03* # Protein content 76A A ±A 4.4 60A A ±A 4.7** 105A A ±A 5.3** # # 75A A ±A 5.2 # # Full-size tabular array Valuess are expressed as meansA A ±A SD ; nA =A 10 for each intervention group.Significant difference from the control group at *PA lt ; A 0.05 and **PA lt ; A 0.01.Significant difference from the AlCl3-intoxicated group at # PA lt ; A 0.05 and # # PA lt ; A 0.01. Datas in Table 3 showed important lessening in plasma testosterone concentration ( PA A 0.05 ) and testicular protein ( PA A 0.01 ) in rats treated with AlCl3 compared to command. While, propolis significantly increased testosterone and protein content and alleviated the negative effects for AlCl3 in group 4 on these parametric quantities. Aluminium chloride exposure displayed gonadotoxic effects in male rats and maternal decease was associated with foetal decease in pregnant rats. The exposure to aluminum increases the incidence of fetal abnormalcies in rats and mice ( Belles et al. , 1999 ) . The survey of Guo et Al. ( 2005a ) demonstrated that exposure to aluminium lowered plasma and testicular testosterone degrees in mice. It was suggested that the terrible decrease in male libido and birthrate following the aluminium disposal might be a consequence from inordinate aluminum accretion in the testicles and low testosterone concentrations. High degrees of aluminum in aluminium-treated mice were evident at hebdomad 3 before the effects on male libido and birthrate manifested. The disagreement was reasoned such that aluminium accretion failed to instantly impact the enzymes for androgen biogenesis or bring forth a possible perturbation in hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. However, the present survey showed that AlCl3 caused important diminution in the activity of 17-ketosteroid reductase after 70A yearss intervention ( Table 3 ) . Table 4. Changes in the activities of catalase ( CAT ; mol/h/g tissue ) and glutathione S-transferase ( GST ; I?mol/min/g tissue ) , and the degrees of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances ( TBARS ; nmol/g tissue ) and reduced glutathione ( GSH ; mM/g tissue ) in testicles of rats treated with AlCl3, propolis and AlCl3A +A propolis. Parameter Experimental groups Control AlCl3 Propolis AlCl3+Propolis Cat 6.96A A ±A 1.140 3.01A A ±A 0.578 ** 9.95A A ±A 1.050 ** # # 5.89A A ±A 0.793 # # GST 1.08A A ±A 0.100 0.59A A ±A 0.154** 1.43A A ±A 0.299 ** # # 0.96A A ±A 0.125 # # TBARS 71.8A A ±A 5.58 195.9A A ±A 10.62 ** 60.4A A ±A 6.18 * # # 97.4A A ±A 9.58 * # # GSH 6.02A A ±A 0.694 4.15A A ±A 0.690 * 8.25A A ±A 0.902 * # # 5.74A A ±A 1.863 # Full-size tabular array Valuess are expressed as meansA A ±A SD ; nA =A 10 for each intervention group.Significant difference from the control group at *PA lt ; A 0.05 and **PA lt ; A 0.01.Significant difference from the AlCl3-intoxicated group at # PA lt ; A 0.05 and # # PA lt ; A 0.01. The control testicles are surrounded by a dense hempen tissue capsule known as the adventitia albuginea The histological survey showed that.The testies are divided into lobules by thin hempen septa ; the interstitial tissue surrounds the lobules which contain several seminiferous tubules within them. The tubules are lined with germ cells in assorted phases of spermatogonia, some primary and secondary spermatocytes, spermatids and mature sperm cell that occupy the Centre of the tubule. Between the spermatogonia and the balance of the basal lamina are the sertoli cells. The interstitial tissue is supported by Leydig cells in chief. They occur singly or in bunchs and are embedded in the rich rete of blood and lymph capillaries. Observations of testicles treated with AlCl3 revealed several changes. The accretion of exfoliated source cells within some seminiferous tubules affected their architecture and left them disorganized. Some tubules exhibited ripening apprehension. And moreover, so me source cells had little and darkly stained nuclei. Marked dilation and congestion of blood vass were noticed in the interstitial infinites. Hyperplasia of Leydig was detected in the interstitial tissue. The Leydig cells became crowded and formed dense bunchs that surrounded most of the seminiferous tubules ( Fig. 2 ) . Some subdivisions of testicles of the rats treated with propolis entirely showed that they were less or more similar to the control subdivisions ( Fig. 3 ) . Testis of rats treated with aluminium plus propolis revealed that it regained about all of its original construction and singular Restoration of the normal image of seminiferous tubules was attained. The germ cells appeared regular in form with disappearing of most cytoplasmatic vacuolization. Most of the karyon became vesicular ( Fig. 4 ) . Testes accumulate high aluminium over age in rats ( Gomez et al. , 1997 ) . Light microscopy of silver-stained paraffin subdivisions of the testicles demonstrated legion i ntracytoplasmic black-stained all right farinaceous inclusions in Leydig cells ( Reusche et al. , 1994 ) . The histological alterations in testicles of rats treated with AlCl3 ( Fig. 2 ) is coincident with the obtained informations by Khattab ( 2007 ) who studied the consequence of AlCl3 on the testicles of rats after an intraperitoneal injection was administered. The testicles showed histological disturbance including terrible harm within the seminiferous tubules and vascular devolution on the spermatogenic and sertoli cells cytol. The originative epithelial tissue of the seminiferous tubules was thinner in topographic points and spermatids became really scarce in presence. Sperm Numberss was low and there were no sperm in the lms. Besides, up on negatron microscopic surveies, in the aluminium-treated group, there were some anomalousnesss in the atomic membrane, amendss to some chondriosomes, ribosomes population lessening, and an addition in the figure of lysosomes in the sertoli cell cytol. In the primary spermatocyte cytol, there was an addition in the unsmooth endoplasmic Reticulum. Guo et Al. ( 2005b ) found that after 2 hebdomads of aluminum intervention, hurtful effects and histopathological alterations of testicular tissues were observed. However, noticeable spermatogenetic loss was viewed as necroses in the spermatids and sperm cell in aluminium-treated group at hebdomad 5. The damage caused by aluminum was accompanied chiefly by the drawn-out accretion of aluminum in the mice testest. Fig. 1.A Photomicrograph of control testicle subdivision demoing interstitial cells ( I ) and germ cells ( G ) . H A ; E discoloration ( 400A- ) . Fig. 2.A Photomicrograph of testicle subdivision that treated with aluminum demoing germ cells ( G ) , exfoliated source cells ( E ) , hyperplasia of Leydig cells ( I ) and vacuolization ( V ) . H A ; E discoloration ( 400A- ) . Fig. 3.A Photomicrograph of testicle that treated with propolis demoing germ cells ( G ) . H A ; E discoloration ( 400A- ) . Fig. 4.A Photomicrograph of testicle subdivision that treated with Aluminium and propolis demoing germ cells ( G ) . H A ; E discoloration ( 400A- ) . 1.6 Purposes and aims of my undertaking In this undertaking my chief purpose was to find the presence of aluminum in seminal fluid and sperm cell. I had to found out if aluminum was present in the seminal fluid or the sperm cell. Discussion THE EFFECT OF ORAL HIGH ALUMINIUM INTAKE ON RAT SPERMATOGENESIS I.M.D. Rashidi. Head of section A ; member of adept commission Dept of pathology Medical school Ahwaz medical university, Ahwaz Iran Aluminum is one of the most abundant elements in the Earth crust and enters to the organic structure through imbibing H2O, foods and drugs like antacids. Aluminium poising causes broad scope of upsets, including: a lessening in the release of neurotransmiters and suppression of electromotive force dependent Ca channels. The function of Ca on GnRH release and its action is detected so, in this perusal, the consequence of high aluminum consumption on rats spermatogenesis is investigated. The experiment performed in four groups, a control group and three experimental groups consumed 0.625, 1.25 and 2.5 milligram aluminum per gm diet for 60 yearss. Epididymis and vessel deferens were dissected cut and diluted with normal salin. In all groups weight of vessel deferens, epididymis, testicle and whole animate being, sperm count per gm deferens and epididymis tissues were determined so, the testicular tissues fixed in formol for survey of histopathology. The consequences have shown that in experimental groups which consumed 1.25 and 2.5 milligram aluminum per gm diet, the vessel deferens, epididymis, testicle and carnal weight were significantly decreased. In this animals the figure of sperm per gm tissues from vessel deferens, epididymis were reduced. The ripening apprehension is seen in seminoferous canal and it have n’t spermatogenesis. Therefore, this analyzing indicated that high aluminum consumption in rat have an suppressing consequence on spermatogenesis and this consequence is dose dependant. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.sciencedirect.com/science? _ob=MImg A ; _imagekey=B6TCR-4CB7K82-GF-1 A ; _cdi=5177 A ; _user=128592 A ; _pii=S0378427403904048 A ; _origin=gateway A ; _coverDate=09 % 2F28 % 2F2003 A ; _sk=998559999.8998 A ; view=c A ; wchp=dGLzVtb-zSkzV A ; md5=1f1a3377fb5ad50ff2bd8ffd8947d810 A ; ie=/sdarticle.pdf Read and summarize but cite hypertext transfer protocol: //humrep.oxfordjournals.org/content/13/1/115.full.pdf How to cite Development Of Mathematical Understanding Education Essay, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Ebay Target Market free essay sample

With the rise of smart phone technology, even the Baby Boomers are catching on to the trend. Roughly about 15% of smart phone users are over 55 years old and with the rise of computer tablets, it provides this generation with an alternative way to access the internet. This generation has many characteristics that would help eBay to expand their market even more. Since Baby Boomers are independent, eBay would benefit since eBay users are in control of when and what to purchase. Another attractive characteristic of the Baby Boomers is that they tend to be more financially stable than the younger generation. Since they have already established funds for retirement, they have more flexibility with their spending. This group is also more likely to acquire a hobby or sell items they have collected over the years. Amazon, eBay’s competitor, already targets this generation with their main users ranging in age from 55-64 years old. We will write a custom essay sample on Ebay Target Market or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When looking at Amazon’s segmentation on household income, their focus is on less affluent households compared to eBay’s high affluent families. One area that sets eBay apart from their competitors like Amazon is that eBay doesn’t use brick and motor companies, its products solely come from people from all around the world. To put their customers at ease while shopping, eBay has established the eBay Buyer Protection which covers the majority of the items on eBay. If a buyer did not receive the item that was ordered or it did not match the description as provided by the seller, eBay asks that the buyer first try to contact the seller and agree on a mutual solution. If this doesn’t work, then eBay advises to escalate it to an eBay Customer Support Specialist. If the ordered item is still not received, eBay will then refund the item and shipping costs by depositing funds into the buyer’s PayPal account. eBay needs to focus on several issues to become more competitive. One issue is the fact that their competitors, like Amazon, make website purchases less difficult. On Amazon a customer can make a quick buy instead of having to bid on an item, wait for the auction to end, and then see if they won the auction. Another issue for eBay is the customer’s perception that scams are more likely on their site since purchases involve individuals and not companies. Even though eBay has the buyer protection plan to counter this idea, some customers might still shy away because they do not want to take a chance of having to go through the dispute resolution process in case it is a scam. When looking at Amazon’s return policy, they back their buyers 100%. If the buyer is not satisfied with the product or it doesn’t match the description that was on the website, Amazon will give the buyer a full refund. Looking at this from a buyer’s perspective, it makes purchasing more convenient to return a product as opposed to having to track down the buyer and trying to work out a resolution. I think that if eBay changes the protection policy and would adopt the policy of Amazon, eBay would generate a larger customer base. Another critical concern that eBay is facing is that they charge fees for accessing your money when using PayPal whereas Amazon does not. Looking at this from a seller’s point of view I would not even consider using eBay if they are going to charge me a fee to access my funds. eBay has been contemplating a switch to a PayPal-only system which will increase the fees for using PayPal and will drive away sellers. So In conclusion, if eBay expands their market segmentation to the Baby Boomer generation they will expand their market growth. The critical issues that eBay must address is to make their return policy more customer convenient if unsatisfied with product and to focus on reconsidering reducing the PayPal fees

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Blizzard free essay sample

Admissions Essay – Topic of Choice Snow was falling rapidly around us. We had nothing to eat, and no place to stay. Our whereabouts were unknown since the snow made it difficult to see the road. We had no idea what to expect, and night was approaching. It was January 1999, and the weather certainly reflected that. At the moment, my family was traveling from our old home in Rome, Georgia to our new home in Wisconsin. Before this, my brother and I had not yet experienced such weather. We only knew the sunny, pleasant weather of Georgia. The blizzard was a relatively new concept to us. A blizzard is exactly how I would describe our surroundings as we reached Indianapolis, Indiana. The weather was so horrible that the roads were impassible, making it impossible to drive onward towards Wisconsin. We had no idea what to do next. We needed to find a nearby hotel quickly, since everyone else also currently trapped in Indianapolis needed places to stay. We will write a custom essay sample on The Blizzard or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As luck would have it, we found a Country Springs Inn with some room and we then proceeded in going to the local Meijer’s to buy some necessities, since no one knew how long the storm was expected to last. It turned out that this snowstorm was the worst to hit the Midwest since 1967. Our family began seriously debating the entire idea of moving, and everything that was familiar to us. Maybe we had made the wrong decision. The first eight years of my childhood were spent in Georgia. Rome is a lovely town of around 31,000 people who epitomize Southern charm and character. In Georgia, when it snowed (if ever), the entire city was shut down. Children of all ages would waste the day away making snow angels, building figures that somewhat resembled snowmen, and my personal favorite, snowballs. The one hat and pair of gloves that each family owned were fought over incessantly. It was a joyous day when it snowed in the South. After three long days, the roads were finally clear, and we could continue onward to our new home. Now, when I think of snow, I reflect on that winter back in 1999 and the doubts everyone had about our move. Despite all the adversity we experienced on that trip, we continued onward. Although I would enjoy experiencing the warmth of the weather and the people of Georgia again any day, I don’t regret my parent’s decision to move to Wisconsin. The North and the South don’t only differ in the aspect of weather, but also in the aspect of culture. After having experienced living my life in both the North and the South, I have learned to appreciate both places for their unique characteristics. I hope that this aspect makes me better prepared to attend your university and face all the world has to offer. The Blizzard free essay sample Thesummer before eighth grade my grandmother convinced me to enter acontest. The city of Hartford was looking for a name for its franchise,the first womens team in the American Basketball League (ABL). Thewinner would receive four season tickets and the honor of naming theteam. I jotted down a few names and submitted my entry. Laterthat summer I went to basketball camp and came home to an excitedhousehold congratulating me. Of all the entries, I was chosen to name apiece of womens sports history. The name picked from my listremained a secret until the press conference. I was told that theunveiling would be creative, and that I had to be there. When I arrivedat the Basketball Hall of Fame, there was a pile of artificial snow onthe floor. After a few announcements by the general manager, I picked upa shovel and, in front of six television cameras, shoveled off the snowto reveal the name: the New England Blizzard. We will write a custom essay sample on The Blizzard or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This connection toa professional sports team gave me a behind-the-scenes look at theplayers and crew. Having no experience with publicizing a sports team, Iwas amazed at the amount of work it took to launch the Blizzard. Themarketing and promotion departments were instrumental. Their assignmentsincluded television and radio commercials, billboards, exciting pre-gameand half-time shows, autograph sessions and team apparel. Reebok, theofficial sponsor, was responsible for designing T-shirts, sweatshirts,jerseys, hats, stuffed polar bears, keychains and more to be distributedthroughout New England and at ABL venues. The combination ofmedia and merchandising increased public awareness of the team and keptfans active and excited at games. The marketing and promotiondepartments hard work paid off, with the Blizzard leading the league inattendance its first season. The team was a huge success until the ABLwent bankrupt. I miss these experiences, but my two-yearstint with the team provided a lifetime of memories. Not only did Iwatch a great team play, I got to see the process behind it. After witnessing the development of the Blizzard, I knew I would studymarketing and promotions in college. My persistence, proficiency andcreativity are all required to succeed in promotions and marketing. Toparaphrase Graham Greene, the door opened and let my future in.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Abc Costing

In order to adapt to new standards and practices, which are constantly occurring in business activity? The demand for effective methods and systems of accounting for activity within an organization is always growing, therefore, it makes sense that companies would want to implement practices which will benefit the structure and performance of their organization. This was the case in regards to the evolution of the concept known as activity based costing, or ABC. In order for management to know the basis behind this costing system, which appeared on the scene during the 1980’s, they must first become familiarized with the general concept of ABC compared to a traditional costing system. Once a solid base has been established, it allows the opportunity for management to go beyond the surface of the topic and explore into the added value of what it has to offer. The topics, which are of interest to this particular costing system, may not be available to many firms, let alone u niversity students. For this reason, light will be shed upon how ABC is actually implemented and just what is important for its success will be highlighted as well. Also, common myths and misconceptions about the topic must be addressed in order to clear up any ambiguity one may have about the subject. These are vital for the reasoning behind firms deciding for or against implement this system in their operations. It is essential that the necessary qualities, as well as obstacles, which are to be required or overcome in order to establish the ABC system, be clearly known to management before they implement a system which may make or break their operations. It should provide an in depth interpretation to any individual, student or manager, as to what ABC actually entails beyond a trivial extent. In the past, companies were dependent upon traditional cost accounting methods in order to predict and allocate manufacturing costs amongst units in production. ... Free Essays on Abc Costing Free Essays on Abc Costing In order to adapt to new standards and practices, which are constantly occurring in business activity? The demand for effective methods and systems of accounting for activity within an organization is always growing, therefore, it makes sense that companies would want to implement practices which will benefit the structure and performance of their organization. This was the case in regards to the evolution of the concept known as activity based costing, or ABC. In order for management to know the basis behind this costing system, which appeared on the scene during the 1980’s, they must first become familiarized with the general concept of ABC compared to a traditional costing system. Once a solid base has been established, it allows the opportunity for management to go beyond the surface of the topic and explore into the added value of what it has to offer. The topics, which are of interest to this particular costing system, may not be available to many firms, let alone u niversity students. For this reason, light will be shed upon how ABC is actually implemented and just what is important for its success will be highlighted as well. Also, common myths and misconceptions about the topic must be addressed in order to clear up any ambiguity one may have about the subject. These are vital for the reasoning behind firms deciding for or against implement this system in their operations. It is essential that the necessary qualities, as well as obstacles, which are to be required or overcome in order to establish the ABC system, be clearly known to management before they implement a system which may make or break their operations. It should provide an in depth interpretation to any individual, student or manager, as to what ABC actually entails beyond a trivial extent. In the past, companies were dependent upon traditional cost accounting methods in order to predict and allocate manufacturing costs amongst units in production. ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Quantum Numbers and Electron Orbitals

Quantum Numbers and Electron Orbitals Chemistry is mostly the study of electron interactions between atoms and molecules. Understanding the behavior of the electrons in an atom is an important part of understanding chemical reactions. Early atomic theories used the idea that an atoms electron followed the same rules as a mini solar system where the planets were electrons orbiting a center proton sun. Electric attractive forces are much stronger than gravitational forces, but follow the same basic inverse square rules for distance. Early observations showed the electrons were moving more like a cloud surrounding the nucleus rather than an individual planet. The shape of the cloud, or orbital, depended on the amount of energy, angular momentum and magnetic moment of the individual electron. The properties of an atoms electron configuration are described by four quantum numbers: n, â„“, m, and s. First Quantum Number The first is the energy level quantum number, n. In an orbit, lower energy orbits are close to the source of attraction. The more energy you give a body in orbit, the further out it goes. If you give the body enough energy, it will leave the system entirely. The same is true for an electron orbital. Higher values of n mean more energy for the electron and the corresponding radius of the electron cloud or orbital is further away from the nucleus. Values of n start at 1 and go up by integer amounts. The higher the value of n, the closer the corresponding energy levels are to each other. If enough energy is added to the electron, it will leave the atom and leave a positive ion behind. Second Quantum Number The second quantum number is the angular quantum number, â„“. Each value of n has multiple values of â„“ ranging in values from 0 to (n-1).This quantum number determines the shape of the electron cloud. In chemistry, there are names for each value of â„“. The first value, â„“ 0 called an s orbital. s orbitals are spherical, centered on the nucleus. The second, â„“ 1 is called a p orbital. p orbitals are usually polar and form a teardrop petal shape with the point towards the nucleus. â„“ 2 orbital is called a d orbital. These orbitals are similar to the p orbital shape, but with more petals like a cloverleaf. They can also have ring shapes around the base of the petals. The next orbital, â„“3 is called an f orbital. These orbitals tend to look similar to d orbitals, but with even more petals. Higher values of â„“ have names that follow in alphabetical order. Third Quantum Number The third quantum number is the magnetic quantum number, m. These numbers were first discovered in spectroscopy when the gaseous elements were exposed to a magnetic field. The spectral line corresponding to a particular orbit would split into multiple lines when a magnetic field would be introduced across the gas. The number of split lines would be related to the angular quantum number. This relationship shows for every value of â„“, a corresponding set of values of m ranging from -â„“ to â„“ is found. This number determines the orbitals orientation in space. For example, p orbitals correspond to â„“1, can have m values of -1,0,1. This would represent three different orientations in space for the twin petals of the p orbital shape. They are usually defined to be px, py, pz to represent the axes they align with. Fourth Quantum Number The fourth quantum number is the spin quantum number, s. There are only two values for s,  ½ and - ½. These are also referred to as spin up and spin down. This number is used to explain the behavior of individual electrons as if they were spinning in a clockwise or counterclockwise. The important part to orbitals is the fact that each value of m has two electrons and needed a way to distinguish them from one another. Relating Quantum Numbers to Electron Orbitals These four numbers, n, â„“, m, and s can be used to describe an electron in a stable atom. Each electrons quantum numbers are unique and cannot be shared by another electron in that atom. This property is called the Pauli Exclusion Principle. A stable atom has as many electrons as it does protons. The rules the electrons follow to orient themselves around their atom are simple once the rules governing the quantum numbers are understood. For Review n can have whole number values: 1, 2, 3, ...For every value of n, â„“ can have integer values from 0 to (n-1)m can have any whole number value, including zero, from -â„“ to â„“s can be either  ½ or - ½

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Media Torrent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Media Torrent - Essay Example In his article â€Å"Supersaturation, or The Media Torrent and Disposable Feeling†, Todd Gitlin states his observation and provides sufficient evidence supporting the fact that media has great influence on our lives. Right from the time of emergence of television and internet, media has been influencing the lives of individuals whether it is through print, television, films or social networking websites. However one may take into account the fact that the notion of media saturation has gone through several significant amendments since the time Gitlin’s article was published. There are many evidences illustrated by Gitlin that support his ideas of â€Å"super-saturation† and â€Å"disposable feeling†. The literal meaning of â€Å"super-saturation† is to increase the concentration of solution beyond saturation. The word â€Å"super-saturation† is used by Gitlin for defining the notion that how the modern society has completely absorbed the internet and media. The society is completely immersed in the images and gossips that are being displayed by media. There is no clear line present, which distinguishes living space from working space. Outer world has invaded the inner world of people. Gitlin uses the phrase â€Å"disposable feeling† because individuals today are easily switching from one feeling to another, one scandal to another, without making effort to actually find out the hidden truth. I completely agree with Gitlin’s idea that media has its impact on our lives through several means and its component have gr adually immersed in our daily. We can easily observe the amount of movies and TV shows being watched and quantity of CD’s and cameras being used in today’s modern world. Gitlin states that the extensive use of internet has not diminished the use of media but has affected the flow of unlimited media. I do support the fact presented by Gitlin that Internet has revolutionized the use of media. Our hyper-mediated world is affected by internet to a great extent converting us from media users to media producers (Gitlin). Gitlin’s article to some extent downplays the massive influence that internet had on the society at the time it was penned. Despite of this fact many of the points suggested by Gitlin are still valid in today’s world. The emergence of the social networking website â€Å"Facebook† is the example of the actualization of Gitlin’s observation. This website is known for providing its users with hyper-mediated experience as it allows th em to upload photos, videos, texts and provide them variety of ways through which they are allowed to express themselves. Facebook media is different from the inherent media as on this social networking website a mass population is acting of watching other people’s activities. 600 million Facebook users actively participate in this process of acting and watching. They create their own replicas through their profiles. People become kings, queens, demons, angels and adopt the character of their choice, which is far away from reality. These websites have created a virtual world that is far from reality. Gitlin has also stated that individuals today have the authority to create their own content. This proposition of Gitlin can be easily implied to the communicative quality of Facebook where individuals develop their original content and portray it in a way different from reality. The experience of their life is no

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Learning and Development (HRM) Managing Training Operations in Essay

Learning and Development (HRM) Managing Training Operations in Training Department - Essay Example By employing this kind of method for training, the training department can cut down costs of hiring an external trainer to do so. The coaching/mentoring method that is being used here is one of the most efficient and easiest of imparting training to the employees, while having no loss faced by the usual traffic of work. In this method a trained senior officer is attached to the trainee, this way the trainee can get hold of his own mistakes and learn from the teachings of the trainer. In this case study, we can see that the intended trainee is attached with the senior trainer, who ends up getting those technical courses. This is although a slow method, but it produces better results than other kind of training. Through this kind of training the trainee grasps the ropes of the trade far more easily and as well as realistically because the person is attached to the experts and there can learn very easily as you are getting the training through practitioners themselves. In this case the trainees gain a hand on experience as to what is right and what is wrong, what should be avoided while imparting training and what tactics and techniques to be used to make the training more affective. The best way to learn about anything is to learn through the practical application of the thing and here the trainers get that experience by being attached to a senior trainer, this will help them observe the way they are giving out training and help them in realizing the key points, that should be taken care of while giving the training. This method is a slow method of training personnel, but in this case it is the most suitable method that the company can use. The other types of training methods are case study method, briefing, in basket training, job instructions training and the job rotation. All these training methods are very subjective sort of methods, while coaching and mentoring can prove to be quite helpful as it would be by far the most practical approach to guide the train ers to be trained for the more technical courses. Such practice will also help create a level of equality among the trainers with respect to the choice of courses and the freedom to select any course that they want rather than doing the one that is left for them. This method is also cost effective as the company does not need to hire extra trainers or other equipments that will facilitate the training process. The coaching and mentoring method will prove to be more useful because the trainees will be able to get hold of the subject quite easily. It is mentioned in the case that the trainees are handed over the materials in advance so that they can prepare for the class. They are given three days to prepare and apply their own learning as trainers to look for innovative ideas, The training that is being imparted here is in-house and work-specific, which means that the training is being done to improve the skill sets of the employees and to enhance the level of understanding. Work spe cific training are usually skill up gradation techniques as the trainees here possess skills to impart training the only thing that they lack is the prowess to handle the technical training course which was generally avoided by them. Word count: 597 1.1 How are different learning styles taken into account? According to the case the model that has been applied is the learning style model by David Kolb, the approach that

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Luke, I Am Your Volkswagen Essay Example for Free

Luke, I Am Your Volkswagen Essay Who doesn’t want to be Darth Vader? In May of 1977, I was just like every other seven year old in America wanting to be just like Darth Vader and use the force to control all my toys. During the 2011 Super Bowl, Volkswagen made a commercial that made my dream of 35 years come true. In this commercial, a young boy pretending to be Darth Vader, storms down the hall, attempting to use â€Å"the force† to move a treadmill without avail. After many fruitless attempts at controlling everything inside the house, his last attempt is a success due in part to his dad’s new Volkswagen Passat, which has a remote start on his key. The young boy runs past his father, to the front of the car to use the force. He aims his hand toward the car and to the child’s astonishment the force, has finally worked. The rhetorical techniques of logos, ethos and pathos are present and are there to persuade the intended audience. First of all, the advertisement relies on an appeal to reason for its basis. This commercial was created to target an audience that can recognize Darth Vader and Volkswagens. Star Wars references are deeply embedded in our popular culture and it would be safe to say most Americans are aware of phrases that have become part of the popular lexicon, for example â€Å"May the Force be with You†. This commercial appeal to most people because of the fact that every parent enjoys seeing their child uses their imagination and creativity. It also shows his father in the end playing along, amazing his son. Through the commercial Volkswagen recalls a childlike innocence about the car making it suitable for a family. Secondly, Volkswagen brings in an appeal to credibility to convince the advertisement’s viewers. Darth Vader is known throughout the world as one of the most recognized villains including his infamous death-march music. This commercial would not be same if an adult was used instead of a child to play the part of Darth Vader. Volkswagen uses the popularity of the super bowl commercials to convey the fact that they made the same car with the quality of Volkswagen in an all new design for the 2011 model year. By using both parent in the commercial, Volkswagen established that the Passat is a family car and convinces the audiences to purchase the new car. Volkswagen’s final appeal is to emotions to make the consumer want to believe that purchasing a new Passat can give you the power of the force. In addition to the imagery of Darth Vader, the music of Star Wars is easily recognized around the world. The death-march music gives the audience something to remember the commercial by over any other commercial shown on that day. In addition, in the final scene when the father turns the car on and the child thinks he has used the force, this ties the entire scene together and leaves a lasting impression of the commercial with the audience. The main point of this commercial is to sell the new Volkswagen Passat. The use of a child pretending to be Darth Vader evokes an emotional appeal to innocence. As does the use of the all American family household, a stay at home mother and a father who after a long day still has time to play with his son. Also in the commercial, the minimal use of dialog and the use of music convey a simple yet memorable message to its audience. In conclusion, Volkswagen was able to successfully use rhetoric to make a funny and witty ad that appealed to a mass audience and sends a clear message to purchase a new car and you too can use the force.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Types of Website Buyers and their Impact on Your Bottom Line :: Sell Websites Buy Websites

Types of Website Buyers and their Impact on Your Bottom Line Reprinted with permission of VotanWeb.com Different types of website buyers have different objectives and levels of experience. Knowing these differences can help you in getting the deal you want. As you begin your discussions with potential buyers, it's important to keep in mind that their goals and objectives can vary greatly. In general, website buyers can be classified into three major categories: strategic companies (both public and private), Private Investment Groups, and individual investors. Each website buyer type presents a unique set of advantages and disadvantages that can have great impact on the ultimate outcome of the sale. Understanding these differences can help you, both in your negotiations and in finding the best buyer to meet your personal goals. Strategic Companies Acquisitions by strategic buyers are generally driven by potential synergies between the acquirer and the target entity. For example, you may have a website that offers a product or service that is highly complementary to their product or service offering. Or, you may have an established website in a certain niche market that the acquirer has had difficulty penetrating. This focus on synergistic value may result in higher offers from this buyer group than from others, since the operational efficiencies that are created can provide immediate higher profitability and a more rapid return on investment for the buyer. Public and private strategic buyers differ in that the liquid market for public company shares may create a more aggressive valuation for public firms over those that are private. This may allow the publicly traded company to pay a premium price for your website, especially if you're willing to accept an all stock transaction. The company structure after the sale may also differ with a sale to a strategic buyer. For instance, unless management is viewed as absolutely critical to maintaining company performance, these buyers generally don't require that the active, selling shareholders remain with the company much past a short transition period (generally six months to a year). Also, depending upon the size of the target and the logistics involved, the buyer will oftentimes completely absorb the target company into its current operations, making the ability to relocate the target company an important consideration. An additional consideration for strategic buyers is the clarity of historical corporate records. Large buyers are particularly sensitive to possible liabilities (licensing issues, outstanding contracts, taxes, etc. Types of Website Buyers and their Impact on Your Bottom Line :: Sell Websites Buy Websites Types of Website Buyers and their Impact on Your Bottom Line Reprinted with permission of VotanWeb.com Different types of website buyers have different objectives and levels of experience. Knowing these differences can help you in getting the deal you want. As you begin your discussions with potential buyers, it's important to keep in mind that their goals and objectives can vary greatly. In general, website buyers can be classified into three major categories: strategic companies (both public and private), Private Investment Groups, and individual investors. Each website buyer type presents a unique set of advantages and disadvantages that can have great impact on the ultimate outcome of the sale. Understanding these differences can help you, both in your negotiations and in finding the best buyer to meet your personal goals. Strategic Companies Acquisitions by strategic buyers are generally driven by potential synergies between the acquirer and the target entity. For example, you may have a website that offers a product or service that is highly complementary to their product or service offering. Or, you may have an established website in a certain niche market that the acquirer has had difficulty penetrating. This focus on synergistic value may result in higher offers from this buyer group than from others, since the operational efficiencies that are created can provide immediate higher profitability and a more rapid return on investment for the buyer. Public and private strategic buyers differ in that the liquid market for public company shares may create a more aggressive valuation for public firms over those that are private. This may allow the publicly traded company to pay a premium price for your website, especially if you're willing to accept an all stock transaction. The company structure after the sale may also differ with a sale to a strategic buyer. For instance, unless management is viewed as absolutely critical to maintaining company performance, these buyers generally don't require that the active, selling shareholders remain with the company much past a short transition period (generally six months to a year). Also, depending upon the size of the target and the logistics involved, the buyer will oftentimes completely absorb the target company into its current operations, making the ability to relocate the target company an important consideration. An additional consideration for strategic buyers is the clarity of historical corporate records. Large buyers are particularly sensitive to possible liabilities (licensing issues, outstanding contracts, taxes, etc.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Rafael Nadal

Drew Parker Mrs. Edwards 15, October, 2012 Spch 102 Rafael Nadal Introduction: A. ) Known by many as â€Å"Rafa†, Rafael Nadal is one of the top-ranked tennis players in the world today. B. ) He has a combined record of 120-43, and doesn’t seem to have any weaknesses and is compared to tennis legends like Andre Agassi and Bjorn Borg. C. ) His childhood, and his achievements this far has made him who he is today, and as stated on Forbes. com, â€Å"Nadal is the number 16 highest paid athlete with endorsements worth 25 million dollars. † Transition: Let’s start with his roots. Body: Main point 1 –Nadal was born in Majorca, Spain on June 3rd, 1986. He began playing tennis and soccer at the age of 3, being coached both by his Uncle Toni. According to The New York Times, â€Å"there was a lot more soccer than tennis in Nadal’s childhood. â€Å" His Uncle Toni was a top soccer player for Spain’s F. C Barcelona, and with his experience he t rained Rafa to be a great soccer player as well as tennis star. At the age of 11 he decided to quit soccer and totally focus on tennis. He is naturally right handed, but his Uncle Toni forced him to play with his left hand because you can generate more spin that way.By playing left handed it gives Nadal a supreme advantage during his serve. When people serve right handed the ball bounces away from the player, and when people serve left handed the ball spins right into the opponents’ midsection. With majority of the tennis stars being right handed, it makes things very difficult for an opponent of Nadals’ while returning serves. At the age of 15, Rafael was one of the highest ranked juniors in the world, and he jumped into the pro’s becoming one of the youngest players ever to win an ATP tour match. He achieved this when beating Ramon Delgado in Majorca 2002.This made him one 1 out of only 9 players to ever win an ATP match before the age of 16. Transition: All o f his accomplishments at an early age is a precursor for what’s to come. Main point 2 – Nadal has won many tournaments and many awards throughout his career. In 2003 at the age of 16 he was the youngest player ever to be ranked in the ATP’s top 100. In the same year he won the ATP Newcomer of the Year award. He was also the youngest player ever to make it to a third round in a Grand Slam at Wimbledon at the age of 16. In 2005, at the age of 19 Nadal had one of the best accomplishments of his career at that point. Atptour. om states, â€Å" Nadal was the first teenager to win a Grand Slam since Pete Sampras in 1990. † He won the French Open that year and had a combined 25 match-winning streak at the end of the year. Tom Oldfield stated in his book Rafael Nadal: The Biography, â€Å" Nadal had been known as a clay court specialist since playing in his first tournaments in 2001. † So it wasn’t a surprise that he would win the French Open. Nadal has won 71 total singles titles, and 11 doubles titles totaling in 82 career tournament wins. Sports Illustrated has Nadal down for winning 11 grand slams to this day, which ties him for 4th on the all time list.He is behind all-time greats like Andre Agassi, Pete Sampras, and Roger Federer. He is tied with another German great Bjorn Borg He has won 7 French Opens, 1 U. S. open, 1 Australian Open, and 2 Wimbledon Opens. He also won the Olympic gold in 2008 making him one of the most well rounded players in the game. He is only 23 years old at this point, and has done much more than other tennis players do in their whole career. No one may come close to matching the number of Grand Slams he could end up winning. Transition: All of these achievements could lead to nothing more than some serious cash flow. Main point 3-Rafa is one of the highest paid athletes in the world. According to celebnetworth. org Rafa has sponsorships with, â€Å" Kia motors, Babolat, Nike, Bacardi, Richard M ille, and Armani. † His Nike endorsement is worth 21 million per year. With all of these endorsements and his career earnings, Nadal is at a net worth of around 60 million dollars per year making him the 16th ranked highest paid athletes. This puts him on the list of names along with Michael Phelps, Lebron James, Alex Rodriguez, and other highly paid athletes. In 2012 he has already gained 26 million in endorsements and 34 million in annual earnings. Transition:This takes us to our conclusion. Conclusion: A. ) We’ve been over Rafael’s childhood, his achievements, and his earnings. By doing this we see how much he means to the game of tennis. He was one of the youngest players ever to win a Grand Slam, and is endorsed by names like Nike, Babolat, and Armani, which only endorse the best athletes. B. ) He is currently the 16th highest paid athlete and the future looks bright for Nadal. At a current age of only 23, Nadal has a chance to become one of the greatest of all times, and at the pace he’s going he has a great opportunity to beat Federer’s record holding 17 Grand Slams.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Mba Finance Sop Essay

It often happens that the very best of our competencies, strengths and creativities are brought to action when we willingly take on challenges. Right from my childhood, my parents taught me that whenever we face obstacles towards achieving a goal, there only two clear choices (1) to back out of goal-plans and stay in the comfort zone of being â€Å"reasonable† or (2) to take it on as a challenge, solve it and seize the opportunity to be in charge of destiny. I have always chosen the later. As a teenager, I would read through the profiles of business leaders – successful entrepreneurs and top managers in leading corporations. It became increasingly clear that a strong majority of them started early in their business careers and with a marked degree of focus. Realizing my acumen for finance as a subject area, I therefore decided to â€Å"get my feet wet† soon after pursing my Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Mumbai (Bombay). Extensive efforts and networking lead me towards a golden opportunity with ABC, the Indian arm of globally reputed Investment Bank. I joined the ABC team as a Junior Analyst. The exciting role involved reporting to senior managers and working in the Capital Markets industry and developing competencies in cutting edge Financial Products and services. At ABC, I realized that it does take a trained eye to read through different trades and analyze the logic and complexities behind them. The company turned out to be a world in itself! In the first three months (and as junior analyst), I learnt about the life cycle of a trade, the common terminologies used while trading and complexities involved in a trade, the final settlement processes and the nuances of reporting such details to senior management and clientele. I was then handed over the opportunity to handle such complex activities independently. At the company, Professional Trainers and guest lecturers have often been invited to train and develop personnel on various specialized knowledge areas. I thus had the opportunity to learn hands-on and in detail about Capital Markets, Futures and Options, Equity and Equity Derivatives, Foreign Exchange (Options, Spots and Forwards), Advanced Excel and many more knowledge and skill areas of finance. Within six months of taking my taking charge, a record collection of Commissions of over US$300 Mn. (having no outstanding commissions more than 90 days) was achieved. I received appreciations from senior management, clients and counterparts for 100% accuracy in reporting. Within a year, I was promoted as Analyst and  entrusted leading a team of 6 Junior Analysts. I was transitioned to the Foreign Exchange (FX) Settlements Team and developed competencies as a subject matter expert for the company’s operations with DEF. In August 2009, I received a quarterly award for outstanding performance. Having proven my mettle in handling high volumes of trading transactions, instituting process and ensuring efficient execution, I was entrusted with a special project – spearheading the company’s strategic initiative of direct membership arrangement with ABC. We had, so far, been a â€Å"Third Party Member† the world leader in Foreign Exchange settlements. To ensure this prestigious alliance, I located more than 100 prospects (â€Å"counterparties†) who could gain by conducting transactions with our company. I pitched our services extensively bringing home the fact that we had emerged to world class standards in credibility, liquidity and credit line in the industry. The project’s fruition resulted in revenue savings in excess of GBP 9 Mn to the company. Having achieved this goal, I took the lead in development and execution of all sub-process of Foreign Exchange – thus ensuring superior service levels to clientele. With nearly 4 years of success in investment banking, my post-MBA career goal is to grow to the position of a Senior Associate in the Capital Markets Prime Services division of a global Investment Bank. Such an experience will broaden my perspective to face challenges in the global financial services industry and bring in unlimited opportunities to innovate and add value. My long-term aspiration is to establish and operate a financial services firm that focuses on Investment management for Ultra High-Net-Worth Individuals and Enterprises and provide financial solutions to Governments, Corporations and Institutional clients. The firm will be focused on the leading edge in mixing asset classes to maximize returns while minimizing risk. The second phase plan includes setting up of a private equity firm that will help other entrepreneurs like me achieve their own dreams; this will provide me with utmost satisfaction. A Global M.B.A program From ABC university – School of business is crucial towards achieving my career goals at this stage in my career. The School’s approach of cultivating intuition through case studies in finance, strategy and other application areas will help me strengthen my fundamentals and devel  op well-trained managerial and entrepreneurial instincts. I stand to gain immensely through participation in challenging industry/consulting  assignments and thus widen my understanding to a global scale. The other area of importance to my goals is leadership development. In a people-driven financial services enterprise, the greatest asset is people – their knowledge, enthusiasm, loyalty and cohesion with organizational goals. In addition to specialist courses/training in leadership development, ABC University provides the platform to interact with globally renowned faculty and a diverse student community and develop interpersonal skills and comfort on a global scale. It also opens up vistas for networking extensively with the vast alumni network and learning through seminars from global business leaders. ABC University is thus my most preferred destination pursing an M.B.A program.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

E.E. Cummings Essays - Guggenheim Fellows, La, E. E. Cummings

E.E. Cummings Essays - Guggenheim Fellows, La, E. E. Cummings E.E. Cummings The Poetry of E. E. Cummings E. E. Cummings, who was born in 1894 and died in 1962, wrote many poems with unconventional punctuation and capitalization, and unusual line, word, and even letter placements - namely, ideograms. Cummings' most difficult form of prose is probably the ideogram; it is extremely terse and it combines both visual and auditory elements. There may be sounds or characters on the page that cannot be verbalized or cannot convey the same message if pronounced and not read. Four of Cummings' poems - l(a, mortals), !blac, and swi( - illustrate the ideogram form quite well. Cummings utilizes unique syntax in these poems in order to convey messages visually as well as verbally. Although one may think of l(a as a poem of sadness and loneliness, Cummings probably did not intend that. This poem is about individuality - oneness (Kid 200-1). The theme of oneness can be derived from the numerous instances and forms of the number '1' throughout the poem. First, 'l(a' contains both the number 1 and the singular indefinite article, 'a'; the second line contains the French singular definite article, 'le'; 'll' on the fifth line represents two ones; 'one' on the 7th line spells the number out; the 8th line, 'l', isolates the number; and 'iness', the last line, can mean the state of being I - that is, individuality - or oneness, deriving the one from the lowercase roman numeral 'i' (200). Cummings could have simplified this poem drastically (a leaf falls:/loneliness), and still conveyed the same verbal message, but he has altered the normal syntax in order that each line should show a 'one' and highlight the theme of oneness. In fact, the whole poem is shaped like a '1' (200). The shape of the poem can also be seen as the path of a falling leaf; the poem drifts down, flipping and altering pairs of letters like a falling leaf gliding, back and forth, down to the ground. The beginning 'l(a' changes to 'le', and 'af' flips to 'fa'. 'll' indicates a quick drop of the leaf, which has slowed by a longer line, 'one'. Finally, the leaf falls into the pile of fallen leaves on the ground, represented by 'iness'. Cummings has written this poem so perfectly that every part of it conveys the message of oneness and individuality (200). In mortals), Cummings vitalizes a trapeze act on paper. Oddly enough, this poem, too, stresses the idea of individualism, or 'eachness', as it is stated on line four. Lines 2 and 4, 'climbi' and 'begi', both end leaving the letter 'i' exposed. This is a sign that Cummings is trying to emphasize the concept of self-importance (Tri 36). This poem is an amusing one, as it shows the effects of a trapeze act within the arrangement of the words. On line 10, the space in the word 'open ing' indicates the act beginning, and the empty, static moment before it has fully begun. 'of speeds of' and '&meet&', lines 8 and 12 respectively, show a sort of back-and-forth motion, much like that of the motion of a trapeze swinging. Lines 12 through 15 show the final jump off the trapeze, and 'a/n/d' on lines 17 through 19, represent the deserted trapeze, after the acrobats have dismounted. Finally, '(im' on the last line should bring the reader's eyes back to the top of the poem, where he finds 'mortals)'. Placing '(im' at the end of the poem shows that the performers attain a special type of immortality for risking their lives to create a show of beauty, they attain a special type of immortality (36-7). The circularity of the poem causes a feeling of wholeness or completeness, and may represent the Circle of Life, eternal motion (Fri 26). Cummings first tightly written ideogram was !blac, a very interesting poem. It starts with '!', which seems to be saying that something deserving that exclamation point occurred anterior to the poem, and the poem is trying objectively to describe certain feelings resulting from '!'. black against white is an example of such a description in the poem; the clashing colors create a feeling in sync with '!'. Also, why (whi) suggests amusement and wonder, another feeling resulting from '!'